Sink & Swim

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It's the weekend.

Y/n was looking forward to it, a sunny Saturday as the sun beamed against his face at a train station. He had a small umbrella, a cool shade to keep him from heating up as he glanced around for his friends to arrive.

With a hearty aura, he bounced lightly from left to right with a soft smile on his face. He glanced from left to right occasionally to see if his friends had arrived yet.

That's when he finds a girl.

"Kamiya..." he said and waved to the girl who approached him. "Hey, Y/n..."

She smiled softly as she gets closer to him.

"When did you get here?"

"Five minutes... Everyone did agree to meet up at ten thirty..."

He checks the time and it was a few minutes after. Then everyone finds the two.

At least that's what Y/n thinks as a brunette calls out to Kamiya and hugged her. A couple of other people who looked to be around Kamiya's age stood near them.

"You must be Y/n..."

"I am... It's a pleasure to meet you all..." he bows softly to everyone as he got to know everyone.

There was Yui, Inuzuki, Kyou, and the couple, Shikimori and Yuu as they decided to get to know their kouhai while they head to the riverbank not far from their position.

Once they got there, they get to setting up before they had free time for themselves.


Everyone was having fun.

Kyou, Shikimori, and Inu were all splashing around in the river, Yui was sitting by herself on the cliff, watching everyone from above, and we have Yuu and Y/n who recently got to barbecuing since they weren't fit to be in the deep end.

Y/n and Yuu were getting along so well.

They were almost like unrelated twins with so much that they had in common. Although bad luck and anemia wasn't the same, they had to be careful before they get hurt.

At least, Y/n didn't have to be extra careful since Yuu had a protective girlfriend to worry about.

But overall, the day was looking great.


...Then there's Kamiya.

Where was she?

Sitting next to Yui, staring at a boy who cooked some of the food on the grill as she had a soft frown on her face.

I forgot to mention that before now, Kamiya hasn't had the chance to be with Y/n for the trip.

Taking away the greeting she gained in the beginning, she wasn't able to talk or be able to do something with him.

Not that she was anxious to talk to him or anything as she sat at the bench with everyone sitting near them except for Y/n and Yuu who placed the bits of the food on their appropriate plates and served them on the table.

"Whew, am I starving..." Yuu smiles as he grabs his own servings on his plate while Y/n followed as well. "Yeah... It's so hard not to eat while cooking..."

Y/n would grab his own lunch as well.

But instead of joining his upperclassmen, he walked away from the bench. "Where are you going?" One of them, Shuu asked as Y/n points behind him.

Kamiya x Male ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora