Kamiya's Little Hero

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A few weeks has passed now.

Kamiya's return to the library for the committee's help has been consistently good as once every few weeks before was now twice a week.

It was because there was less people in the committee nowadays with technology becoming the norm but even if she were to miss her own club, it wasn't bad at all.

You can thank an individual who has made excited to come and help inside the library.

Y/n, that was his name as he was punching the books in as "returned", he glanced towards Kamiya who was pushing the books into their respective spots and waved to her.

Kamiya doesn't hesitate to do so back with a small smile on her face before they return back to their tasks.

Well, Y/n did.

Kamiya had a phone in her hand with a stack of books in another, a string of messages to the committee leader for the library club as her most recent texts was her asking if they needed help with the library.

Surprisingly, they would say yes. Like all of the other times she asked for the past week or so when the volleyball committee was cancelled or was a light day. She smiles softly at the texts until she stuffed the phone back into her pocket and starts to sort the books once more.

It took awhile but she gets to one end of the rows of the shelves, with the last book in her hand being put back on the shelf, she was finished with one of the few waves of books that needed to be sorted.

But Kamiya didn't mind, turning to Y/n who was still focused on the computer and books in front of him and smiled. "How many more books do we have, Y/n?" She asked curiously as the boy glanced at the stack and made a small estimate.

"Around twenty-"

"Heyo, Kamiya!"

Suddenly, a new visitor scares the two.

Kamiya flinched back before she bumped into the shelves, heading to the end of the shelf that was near the entrance to find a familiar figure to the girl.


"Hiya! How are you doing in the-"


Another voice calls for Kamiya, only it was Y/n this time as for some reason he vaulted over the library desk and ran towards his senpai.



He hugs her by the waist which made her blush madly at the sudden gesture.

"Y/n?! What are you-"




She was thrown off her feet and then lands on her back. Thankfully, the landing wasn't so bad as Y/n lands on the girl's abs and we're on the ground together.



The shelf that Kamiya hit her back against would fall to the ground. Books jumped from the shelf while the wooden furniture landed thunderously that anyone in the school could hear it.


Kamiya would take a second to process it and realized why Y/n went through all of this effort despite being sick.


She could hear him panting softly as his face was still buried into her abs.


Kamiya x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now