Batman: I am the Night

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Before we begin with the reaction I just want to say this.

Thank you, Kevin Conroy. 

Thank you so much for bringing a great DC superhero to life with your voice acting. From the Batman Animated series, Batman Beyond series, the Injustice and Arkham Games, the animated Justice League series and a majority of the animated movies I have grown up with, and you stole the show in Crisis on Infinite Earth. You will be missed and never forgotten. I look forward to your last performance in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League.

"I am Vengeance! I am the Night! I AM BATMAN!"

"Am I blue? Am I blue? Are these tears in my eyes telling you?"

"I studied every member of the JLA and made contingency plans for each, should the need ever arise." ("None of us would ever do that to you.") "Then you're damn fools."

"If you people can't see the potential dangers of an out of control Justice League then I don't need a committee decision. I don't belong here."

"With the Joker, expect the unexpected."

"Snap out of it, Kent. Or the  Joker gets the last laugh."

"One, dating within the team always leads to disaster. Two, you come from a society of warriors and I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues."

"Red Claw, a woman?" ("Do you have a problem with that?") "Not at all. I'm equal opportunity crime fighter."

"When you look too long into the abyss, the abyss looks back through you. When all is said and done, how much good have I accomplished? They sell T-shirts of me! I've become a cliché. More good for the tourist trade than the streets. Maybe it's time for Batman to return to the night that spawned him, before anyone else gets hurt."

"A wise man once said, "Battle not with monsters, lest you become a monster." I've lost track of how many people I've killed. ("The Bruce I knew had a code.") "You start with a code, but then you take one life. And another, and another."

"The world does need a Batman and it always will."

Reaction-Batman The Animated Series: I am the Night


Qrow Branwen: Bruce Wayne/The Batman

Alfred Pennyworth: Himself

Ozpin: Commissioner James Gordon

Harvey Bullock: Himself

Now, let's get started, shall we?

The first thing the Audience saw onscreen was the Batman sitting on a stone throne in a cave.

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