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No body understood life more than she did, she knew that her desciple was a good maiden in heart, spirit and mind with a little naughtiness of pranking those who she took a liking to. This was the reason why she had never commited herself with suitor before, she wanted to marry someone who understood her very well and when men came with their proposals she always told them to spend a week at most to know each other before marriage. None of them lasted even 2days cause she was so playful that she would prank them, they would leave upset and never come back and her watching them leaving while she was laughing her stomach out, she couldn't help it, she was a teaser. But Baoshan saw that things were different this time, she liked him and it seemed to her that he liked her too, so what could be the problem? Did her pranking go wrong this time? Someone like Lan Qiren isn't the one you could prank easily cause he was a strict man. She didn't know that this time, Changze didn't play pranks but just laughed.

She stopped crying under Baoshan Sanren's motherly comfort and they started to enjoy their meal, she hiccuped a few times but within a few minutes she was her joyful self again, humming a song while packing the dishes in a tray and taking them to the other room. Baoshan Sanren watched all this and she felt her heart skip a few beats in seeing her desciple in so much pain earlier. She knew that no one understood her very well which most if the time resulted in conflicts, the only person to stand her playfulness was her Xiao Xinchen her desciple brother. When Changze was finished tidying up, she went to the bedroom where her master was resting after feeling heart broken for her and she took an extra quilt and slept on the soft sleeping couch in the room and she immediately fell asleep. They were very tired that they didn't realise it until their heads hit the soft pillows and they drifted into a peaceful sleep like newborn babies.

Morning came and the whole Cloud Rescessess was awake since they wake up very early since the sun hits the mountains before traveling to the west where people woke up by its bright light only an hour after cloud Rescessess woke up. Baoshan Sanren and Changze went to Lan Furen's chambers where she found everyone already there except Lan Qiren, Changze looked around hoping to see him but he didn't showed up. The elders who were to play calming music were already there and after Lan Qingheng-Jun's approval they started playing for little Lan Zhan, he seemed to like the music because he drifted back to sleep even after he had woken up a few minutes prior to their play. Lan Xichen was captivated by the flute that he asked his father if it was ok to learn playing a flute, of course Lan Qingheng-Jun approved thinking that it would benefit Lan Zhan in the future.

After playing everyone was feeling refreshed , even Changze who was heartbroken the passed night seemed to have gained a soothing melody that got her smiling even more radiant than it ever was before. She looked around again hoping to gain a glimpse of Lan Qiren but to no avail, she thought about Lan Qiren's face, the way he was so mad that his veins from being tightened and stretched, but she reprimanded her mind that what's happened has happened and there was no way of going back. But in reality, Lan Qiren was hiding from Changze. Because of the way she laughed at him last night,he became so embarrassed. And now that his manly beard was gone,he didn't have confidence of winning her love over so he kept hiding and peeking through the door in his chambers while watching the woman she loved leaving without saying goodbye to her.

He plopped to the ground on his knees, eyes looking at nothingness on the ground as they were to blury to see even his eyelids. He was so heart broken that no one saw him from that fateful night, in the sixth day he came out if his hiding, with his beard shaved clean and the reason was because he remembered that he had 2 nephews who needed him aswell as his brother. When he got there no one asked questions, even Lan Qingheng-Jun and it was like Lan Xichen silently got the message never to ask about it, at his 4years of age, he would have asked his too many questions if he was an ordinary kids, but their clan forbid any kind of misbehaviour so...he was safe. Days went by and then week, month and then years while without any troubles for Lan Zhan, it was like everything was just as it was before but with the addition of now a 4years old Lan Zhan who was calmer than any child has ever been and he never spoke to anyone,not even his parents unless if needed to.

But then one fatefull morning Lan Wanji woke up and went to see his mother who was preparing his breakfast, his brother was always slept in his chambers as he was now a 9years old older brother to a 4years old Lan Zhan and he couldn't be happier with that position. His father had gone out to take care of the clan duties and it was only him and his mother left in the silent room, he walked over to his mother and nudged her hanfu to gain her attention. Lan Furen turned around with the most loving smile on her face and she knelt to Lan Zhan's level and held his tiny hands, " oh! My Lan Zhan, you're you want something to eat? Let mommy make you some delicious breakfast then we can sit down and eat ok little one..?" Lan Zhan just gave a soft nod as an answer and he picked his tiny feet to the small chair that was made for him to help him gain independency and he sat down waiting for his mother to come and sit with him and eat her tasty breakfast.

Lan Zhan loved spending time with his mother, it might be because he was used to it that he and his mother face a lot of troubles together when she was pregnant with him. They saved each other's lives countless times before and after birth and they grew too attached to each other.

ETERNAL DESTINY ( LAN WANJI & WEI WUXIAN UNTAMED)Where stories live. Discover now