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"Im sorry Xiongzhang " Lan Qiren said.

You see, Cheng Furen was said to be a 'wild girl' because of the way she live her life carefree. She was from a loving family with good reputation and there was nothing her family wouldn't do for her, but because of her love for wild flowers that she went everywhere even where it was said it was haunted or there were evil energy lurking she would go there, the villagers had named her a wild girl. Her reputation was always exaggerated by everyone and there was no one who didn't know even his stubborn she was, even her parents tried to find her other hobbies instead of going to dangerous places.

Lan Qiren had heard about those rumours a lot and even though he wasn't fond of rumours he had seen it himself a few months before Lan Qingheng-Jun and Cheng Furen met. She was sneaking to the deepest parts of the forest where Lan Qiren and the Lan clan desciples were for their night hunt, when Lan Qiren saw her she immediately warned her but she never listened talking back at Lan Qiren when he was blocking her Parth. He had let her go but left a bad impression about herself to the rule follower Lan Qiren.

Now...his brother wanted to marry that 'wild girl' and bring her to his beloved heavenly clan he was not happy about it, but he couldn't go against his brother and still his brother wouldn't change how he felt about her no matter what. After Lan Qingheng-Jun and Cheng Furen who was now Lan Furen, Lan Qiren made it his mission to set her straight. Everything that didn't look good in his eyes he made sure to fix it, he tried to fix Lan Furen so hard that he even forgot she was his beloved brother's wife that he was even close to invading her privacy. Lan Qiren then saw how inappropriate he was with Lan Furen, he would order the desciples to follow her around whether in Cloud Rescessess or in the village.

His desciples would stick to their mission that they even felt they were stalking her, and when they were watching her every move one evening the they peaked in and saw a glimpse of her taking off her hanfu to take a bath. All they saw was the back of her neck as she was still wearing her under gourmet bit to them, they had crossed all the lines. The desciples told Lan Qiren that they did not want to continue with their mission because they almost disrespect their clan leader and madam Lan, Lan Qiren didn't ask questions of what they saw but he knew it was inappropriate to even ask them and told them to stop following her.

He was ashamed of himself for doing something like that to his brother's wife, even if he disliked her, he still had to respect her as a woman and his brother's wife. He went on meditation in the cultivation cave for 3weeks and when he came back, he was the 'no rule breaking' Lan Qiren he was before but but the better version of himself, but he still avoided Lan Furen. Lan Qingheng-Jun saw this and asked Lan Qiren the reason for doing that and his answer was that he didn't want to set a bad example to the desciples by allowing her to be wild and carefree. He told him that because she had broken the rules beofre, he was going to avoid her as punishment.

Little did Lan Qingheng-Jun know of the meaning behind those words. As time went on Lan Furen got more and more out of hand that even Lan Qingheng-Jun saw it, she would go out at midnight and come back in the morning and when she did, she would be easily irritated that she would shout at anyone who tried to speak to her, even her husband. He became very worried that he started forbidding her on going out of the silent room, he told two of his to guess her door and never let her out if their sight while he went for his clan duties.

She started getting sick and that worried Lan Qingheng-Jun because she would throw up constantly after eating, he would transfer his spiritual energy when she passed out that it became his habbit of transferring it every morning even when she go better. He asked two of the elders who were incharge of playing cleansing music to come every night before she went to bed. They used Guqin to cleanse the bad energy out of her body and within 3weeks all signs of her bad behaviour was gone, she even stopped vomiting and was now her carefree happy self once again.

Lan Qingheng-Jun had kept all this a secret but somehow Lan Qiren found out about it and he again asked his brother to send her back to her parent's house before she ruined the clan's good reputation, and even afyer all the reasoning Lan Qiren had given, Lan Qingheng-Jun couldn't let his wife go. He told Lan Qiren that he would personally make sure it doesn't happen again and that he would be more observant in the future, and even though Lan Qiren wasn't happy about it,he had to let his brother make his own decisions as a husband and as a clan leader.

Weeks passed and Lan Furen started choosing vomiting again, even though it wasn't as bad and as constant as it was before, Lan Qingheng-Jun couldn't help but still worry. He asked the clan healer to come in and check if she still had bad energy in her that is making her sick, and when the clan healer gave the news of her being pregnant and doesn't have even a little sign of bad energy in her system he almost fell to floor. He was so overjoyed and didn't hasitate to tell the news to his beloved 'di di',Lan Qiren

ETERNAL DESTINY ( LAN WANJI & WEI WUXIAN UNTAMED)Where stories live. Discover now