serious for once

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T/W : death,vividly described gore scene and y/n having a mental breakdown if you're uncomfortable with that proceed with caution


third person pov

y/n stared at the beast infront of her, it's limbs protruding from places where limbs shouldn't be in,eyes all over it's head and eerily enough an indistinguishable characteristic of a human is present within it,as y/n stood there her eyes went wide 

her breathing became elaborate everything around her became duller,something about this creature it gave her a sense of familiarity and it caused the pit of her stomach to tie up in knots as she tried to prevent herself from vomiting,is it terror?or disgust? Or could it be both?

That she didn't know,as the beast infront of her opened it's mouth to utter something all that it could do was gurgle disgustingly as blood mixed with saliva and other unknown substance fall down it's mouth

it's eyes bore into hers as if it's begging for something....
y/n couldn't take it anymore,she looked away

it take alot of will power simply to stand infront of such gory creature with it's flesh filled with wounds and it had a large mouth with teeth so sharp, it stood around 8'9

as she stared to her side a bob had taken the initiative to roll in a cart filled with weapons y/n looked at it her eyes went wide,it can't be?this sicko want's her to kill that thing?!

"Two choice, kill that bitch or watch your friend die" bob said pressing a remote the cage starts lowering itself

y/n snapped her eyes towards her friends her eyes landing on donnie who'd been vomiting likely from the sight of the beast

"what do you want from us!" Y/n yelled "nothing personal kid, I'm doing my job" bob said walking away he stopped right Infront of the door glancing back "survive,save everyone burn this place and never come back" he said leaving the door

Y/n noticed something dropped out of his pocket a set of keys...
She picked it up putting it in a secure place

Y/n took a deep breath her eyes closing,she heard the screams of april  and mikey both of them sounded terrified yet there's something else

Ah,its the gurgling of that monster but it doesn't sound mad....rather in pain
After several deep breaths she finally opened her eyes to stare directly into the monsters,who are you?she wanted to ask yet she couldn't muster the voice to say so

she glanced back and forward between her caged up friend and the monster infront of her it shouldn't be a hard decision really but for some reason

Something deep down is telling her she knew the monster she just can't place a finger on it,the sound of april screaming yet again broke her out of her trance

without pondering on her feelings ang longer y/n scanned the various of weapons each having their own special design and intricate details

clearly someone had put much love and thought on the weapons,which prompt the question what are they doing down here?inside an arena?

with another gurgling sound from the monster and the sound of a leash y/n picked her weapon up swigging it a few time

Its a fairly neat dagger,with rune like detailing on it's black blade which matched it's hilt every inch of the knife is void of any color except for it's hilt which contain a shining red ruby

The ground shook as the monster starts moving it seemed something had provoked it,no doubt it's connected to the sound of a leash earlier

y/n narrowed her eyes,she hadn't had any training but she'd saw raph used a weapon almost similar before,she saw how leo knew how to dodge attacks,she saw how agile april is,how wild and unpredictable mikey movements is and  how donnie know how to predict their enemies next movements

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