Chapter 4

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The day finally ended and I could get some rest. Not only that, but today was the first Quidditch practice of the year. James had been the captain of the team since last year and I can confidentially say that we've never played better. We even won The Cup in our game against Hufflepuff. They have wanted revenge since.

I changed from the uniform to some comfortable sweatpants Lily bought me in the Muggle shop and a T-shirt with a Muggle band "Queen" I stole from Sirius back home. Merlin, I know every word from every song. He has been listening to it every day since he found out about them.

I headed out of my dorm into the common room where I saw Remus. I haven't had a chance to talk to him properly yet. He's the best of my brother's best friends and I love him to death.

I made my way to him, saying hi to some friends as I passed by them. I skipped a few more stairs when I called out: "Remus!" He was dressed in a simple dark green sweater and some blue jeans, comfortable as ever.

"Yes?" He said. Smile spread across his face as he watched me move towards him. He stood up to greet me with a hug. Damn I forget that he's strong as fuck. He isn't a Quidditch player, but I guess no one can have that body without working out, and I'm sure his monthly problem might effect the strength he possesses. Especially two weeks before the full moon.

"I missed you so much! Tell me about your summer. Now!" I told him as we sat down, still hugging. Now, I don't have preferences with James' best friends, but I have different relationships with all of them. Sirius is my brother. No questions there. He's as good and as painfully intolerable as one. Peter thought me how to cook. Tried to teach me how to cook, at least according to my mother. She laughed so much back home as she watched, even took a picture. Now it's hanged on the wall next to the fireplace. On it is both Peter and I covered in flour, only one of us is laughing however and it sure as hell isn't me. As sweet as he can be, that boy is a player. He almost gets as many girls as Sirius and without being rich as fuck. I can't even begin to explain how many girls I've seen storming out of their dorm before dawn. And then there is Remus. I have shared as many things with him as he had with me. He's my anchor, someone to turn to when all is bad and he knows me just as I know him, heart and soul.

"Besides being at your house, I was pretty much locked in mine. You know, with everything going on. My parents have been very distant lately. I mean, more than usual." He said looking down at where his hands interlocked on my body.

"I'm sorry, Remus." I said. It wasn't always like that to him, but ever since he turned for the first time...His parents weren't exactly there. He was four. I can't understand what kind of people abandon their children when tough times come. Since, his eyes always were much older, as they are after his every transformation.

I took his hand in comfort, making small circles on the back of it.

"It's not your fault. Besides, how else would I spend most of the summer with all of you. And Mia makes best cookies." He said, however letting me comfort him. "Did you read the book I gave you?"

"Yes! I loved it! Thank you for it by the way. I brought it with me if you want it back." I told him adjusting myself so I sat between his legs, my back on his chest. He put his arms around me and I continued holding his hand, interlocking my fingers with his.

"It was a gift, it's fine. What did you like the most?" He asked me. His fingers were gathered in a fist around my hand, the way that he didn't touch my body completely. Always respectful, right?

Just as I was about to answer him, James and Sirius walked into the common room, making us separate. It wasn't anything intimate that we did, but I have caught looks of a certain brother towards one of his best friends. James is just a bit overprotective, no matter what he might think.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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