Chapter 3

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The first class of the year. Potions. With Slytherins. This year can't gat any better.

I was walking down the halls with Alice and Mary on both my sides. We're talking about our classes and how we were going to keep up. My mind however decided that it was not going to participate in their conversation, but was thinking about the misery that I will feel the second I enter potions.

We had more than one class with the Slytherins. Potions was just a start of it. There was Astronomy and Charms. Real misery. At least one place where I wouldn't be seeing any of them is at the Muggle studies. I didn't need to take Muggle studies but it was already a subject I knew because of my friendship with Lily. It was an easy pass so I decided that not everything in my life has to be difficult.

We were late. Well, we weren't exactly late but it's a long way from the Gryffindor tower to the dungeons where professor Slughorn has been holding his lessons.

"Come on, hurry up! We can be late for the first class of the year. It's bad luck!" Said Alice. She was good few meters ahead of us.

"What's the rush, Alice? We're going to be late anyways." Told her Mary. She was unbothered entirely. She was already convinced Slughorn didn't like her so she just decided that she's was going to go with it and not stress herself out. Mary was always like that thought. Unbothered by the simple things such as classes or homework. For a time it was a damn wonder how she even passed to another year.

"Mary, it would be nice if you shut up." Told Alice, stressed. She was the opposite. Always on time, forever studying and figuring out what to do with her future.

Mary made a shocked face expression holding her hand to her forehead and fake crying about how her friends don't like her.

"Drama queen." Muttered Alice, speeding up her pace.

"I disagree." I told her, arching my face upwards as if I were deeply in my thoughts. "I live with Sirius Black and James Potter. And the top of that both my parents. And have I said Sirius Black?" I told them laughingly.

"See! It's not just me!" Said Mary, her voice echoing in the casle. "And we hate Potions anyways! We hate Slytherins too! Why hurry?!"

"I don't hate all Slytherins." Alice told her. "It's rude to generalize, Mary! There might be lot of evil among them, but that's because of the way they grew up. It takes courage to want to change and then actually do it."

Mary and I looked at each other for a moment, them two. Both of us then looked to Mary who turned around to face us, slowing down a bit.

"Sure thing Als. I'll tell one of them to remember their courage and do what's right the next time they call me a Mudblood." Mary said, not so cheerfully as she was few moments before.

"Some people are just too deep in shit, and full of it too, to crawl themselves out of it, Als" I told her, putting a comforting hand of Mary's shoulder. I couldn't blame her for trying to be positive, that's what we love about her, but it's not all sunshine and rainbows. There is a war out there, a horrible one at that, which is led by people who are from Slytherin. One day, maybe, it won't be this bad, but for now they only mean one thing. Danger.

"Maybe they just need someone to pull them out of it, Selene." She said, hurrying across the hallway. Either she was too eager to get to class or away from us, but I will have to check were all of this is coming from, before she or anyone else gets hurt.

And so we rushed to class after all, running through endless hallways.

After what felt like forever, we finally reached the class's front doors. The dungeons were cold. Just like always. There was this dark aura that spread across them making them much scarier than they were supposed to be. The winds, from I don't even know where, crawled up my spine making me shiver. The light doesn't reach this low in the ground, shielded by the stone walls.

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