Night is Faint

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Izuku was confused.

He made his way through the city via traversing the rooftops. The streets below him were populated now, and he'd prefer it if they didn't scream and run from him. He'd had more than enough of that back in Japan. And now that his costume looked like someone had summoned a literal demon, he didn't think people would be willing to speak with him. Maybe if he took his mask off? No. Mask stays on. The people below him didn't need to know who he was.

Making a giant leap and landing on a rooftop with a slight stumble, Izuku rested against the railings and racked his brain on how the hell he ended up here. All he could remember was an explosion, him activating Full Cowling at 100% to protect his body, and then falling through the void, and finally ending up in a city that looked kinda like Britain. The only difference was that the moon wasn't shattered there, nor anywhere on Earth!

But Izuku had to focus and think about what could've happened to him. He was probably teleported somewhere. All for One must've used a Warp-type Quirk to send him to wherever he was. He racked his brain, trying to figure out where. Maybe All For One sent him through time. Time Travel Quirks weren't impossible after all. Besides, it was the only logical explanation he could think of.

'Could I be in the future?" Izuku thought, putting his hand to his respirator and starting to mumble "No. The surroundings look more old-timely. Could I be in the past then? I couldn't. The moon wasn't destroyed when I was born. And the history books would have talked about it. Then where did he send me? And why? He said he wanted me dead, so why did he use a Warp Quirk? Gah! Why is this so confusing?!" He shouted out into the night sky.

He took a few deep breaths before a familiar stabbing sensation shot through his head. His head whipped to the left so fast that he thought he broke his neck. On the other side of whatever city he was in, someone was causing havoc, with ill intentions. A danger towards innocent bystanders.

He moved his body, ready to activate Full Cowling and jump towards whatever was happening, but he froze. This wasn't his timeline. He should be focusing on getting home. Japan was in danger every second he wasn't there. He turned away from danger, but could find the strength in him to walk away.

"A boy like you could never abandon someone"

All For One's words rang out in his mind. His arrogant tone drowned out all the surrounding noise. Izuku clenched his fists tightly and clenched his teeth together. He took two deep breaths in, trying to calm himself down. But on the third breath, he realized something. All For One was right. He would never abandon someone in need.

Because that's what made someone a Hero


The streets were full of citizens. All enjoying a night out on the town. Whether it be drinking with colleagues or enjoying a quiet walk with their loved ones. But many began to disperse as a group of men walked down the street. At the front of the pack was a tall and lanky man with slanted, dark-green eyes with eyeliner and bright, long, orange hair, with long bangs that covered his right eye. He walked in the front of the pack, adjusting his bowler hat when a gust of wind blew it slightly off centre. He quickly fixed it with his black gloves and tugged at his grey scarf tied around his neck. The cigar in the orange haired man's mouth extinguished. He paused and quickly relit the cigar without touching it. He continued on his path and looked down the street he was walking and smirked when he saw a dust store still open. From Dust till Dawn. The sign above the store read.

The man entered the shop with his henchmen and walked up to the counter. He looked at the elderly shopkeeper before taking his cigar out of his mouth and began waving it around. Ashes dropped onto the counter, annoying the shopkeeper. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Dust shop open this late?" He asked the shopkeeper.

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