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Tw: love. Boy x Boy. Kissing. Major make out session. Hereditary spoilers. Spookkkkkyky game. S/h *not in a sad way, you'll understand when you read* _______________________________________

August 28,

Finneys pov:

"Oh. Hell. No." I say sternly. "Oh come onnnnnnn, pleaseeee" Robin said, giving me some sort of puppy eyes. I rolled my eyes, "fine." I say kinda sad but giving him a quick smile. "Thank you!!" Robin says and runs and puts it on. I look over at Griffen, he seemed sorta scared but I wasn't gonna mention anything.

We all take a seat, im beside Robin and Billy is in the other side of me, with Griffen beside him, Vance and Bruce on the floor, Vance being in front of me, and Bruce in front of Billy.

We got aleast half way into the movie when a girl stocked her head out the window of a car, while it was going full speed and it git knocked off my a light pole.

"Holy shit..." I said gripping onto the covers I had over me. I gaged from the blood and closed my eyes. Again, a little bit into the movie, I dude started banging his head on his classroom table and it started to gush out blood. "Ew. No. Ewwwwwwww" I said gaging. Griffen held onto Billy, and Bruce made a disgusted face at the movie.

We made it to a part to where the kids mom did some back bend and start to crawl up walls and shit. "OH HELL. NO. TURN IT OFF." I said kicking my feet, which was a bad idea...I accidentally hit Vance. "Oh shit....I'm sorry Vance. ." I checked to see if he was okay but before I could he said it was fine and smiled. Okay??

Near the very end, there was a cult...a naked one..."why is their boobs and ass sagging like th-" I said before I got cut off by everyone laughing.
A/n: Midnight Man: Write your full name on a piece of paper. This must include your first, middle, and last name. Prick your finger. Take a needle and prick your finger and put at least a single drop of blood on the same piece of paper that you wrote your name on and allow it to soak into the paper.Turn off all the lights in the place you're about to perform this. Go to your wooden door and place the paper with your name on it right in front of the wooden door.Take out your candle and light it and place the candle on top of the paper.Knock on the door 22 times. The hour must exactly be 12:00 AM upon the final knock. Then open the door, blow out your candle, and close the door. Should your candle ever go out? That means the midnight man is near you, you must relight your candle within the next 10 seconds. If you fail to do this, you then must immediately surround yourself with a circle of salt. If you fail to do both of your actions, the midnight man will create hallucinations of your greatest fear and rip out your organs one by one. You will feel it, but you will be unable to react. If you're successful in creating the circle of salt, you then must remain in the circle of salt until 3:33 AM. If you're successful in relighting your candle, you may continue with the game. You must continue until 3:33 AM without being attacked by the midnight man or being isolated in the circle of salt and you'll be able to proceed in the morning.
The movie was finally over and we decided to play a game. "So what game are we gonna play?" Griffen asked. "I have one!" Vance said. "What?" I asked smiling. "Midnight man" Vance said caring the N in man. My heart dropped. "Oh hell no." Griffen said. I nodded at Griffens response. "Come on please guysssss!!" Vance and Robin begged. "Fine, but sense we gotta move, we can play hide an seek, still being able to move in a group of two." Bruce says and Billy nods. Griffen and I put. "Okayyy" I say.

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