Just a baseball game?

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Tw!: Boy x Boy.  kissing. Mention of SA and there is SA.

August 28

Finneys pov:

Bruce dragged me to the baseball field which wasn't to far, but still a good distance. Once we got there, we stopped for a minute to see if everyone was still with us which they were but they were walking to the bleachers.

"You ready?" Bruce asks, showing me a baseballs, bat, helmets and a glove. I nod my head and and take the bat, and helmet.

We walk to the center of the field and get im our stances. I nod my head for him to throw the ball. It was flying towards me, and before you know it I heard a clank. I tossed the bat down and ran the square.

We played back and forth and it was my turn to hit the ball again. I got ready and everything, I didnt realize what was going on because I got sidetracked by a person. I knew them. They were on my baseball team, his name William Dennis. I cringe at the thought of his name.

I didn't realize the ball was coming until it hit my helmet. I flinch a little and and toss the ball back to Bruce. "Sorry!" Hd yells. By that time, William already made his way to the bench by the field. I could feel him staring daggers into my head.

"Finney! You ready?" Bruce ask. "Yeah!" I say fixing my helmet. I get into my stance, the ball comes towards me. I miss. I sigh a bit and toss Bruce the ball again. William is still staring at me.

Bruce threw the ball again. I missed again.

He threw again, missed.

And again. Missed.

It went on for a little until William got up and walked towards me. "What?" I ask him, slightly swaying my bat on the ground. "I just wanted to help." William said, smirking. I got a weird feeling in my gut and I didn't like it. I wanted to throw up.

William comes behind me and grabs my bat. By that moment, Bruce was already on the bleachers. I sigh. William puts his arms around my waist, grabbing my hands and putting them around the bat.

Be moves my body to wear if I made a single move, I would rub against him. I didn't want to move at all, but I had no choice, he was in control of my hands.

He moved his right hand to my waist and starts to rub it. "Stop." I say quietly. "Why? Does the fairy not like it?" He says. I could feel his warm breath against my neck. "N-no. I don't. So stop." I say a little louder. "Then to bad." William says.

Robins pov:

Vance and I were talks and Billy and Griffen were talking. We watched them play for a little. As I wasn't paying to much attention, only admiring Finn.

The game came to a stop and Bruce came up to the bleachers, but no sign of Finn, I see him still out on the field, talking to a guy. I was worried.

We all start talking again until Vance starts starring daggers into someone. I look over to see the guy Finn was talking to holding Finn from behind and their bodies touching.

Finn didn't look okay, but I'm guessing Billy noticed and said not to worry. We continue our conversation and laughed a bit.

I noticed Finn wasn't their, but I assumed he got water....

"Its been like 15 minutes, wheres Finn?" I ask. I was getting impatient. It doesn't take this long to use the restroom or get water.

TW: Beginning of SA
Finneys pov:

I hated this. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it! we stopped for a minute. But before you know it I was being dragged by my wrist into a bathroom. "What the hell!?" I yell. "Shh...or it will be worse." He says pinning me onto the wall. We weren't in a stall. We were out in the open by the sinks. He moves closer to my face and forcefully kisses me. I try to tell him to stop but it was muffled. I push him off of me and try to leave, but he grabs me and pins me again kissing me harder. He wouldn't stop. He moved down to my neck and sucked, leaving dark marks everywhere. I start to cry silently while trying to push him off but he wouldn't budge. "G-get off." I say sternly. "No. I'm claiming whats mine." He says. "I'm not yours. And I will. Never. Ever. Be." I say starting to sob. He pushes me onto the nasty ground, having my back against the wall. He starts to lift my shirt. I trying stopping him, but he slaps me across my face and takes my shirt off.

He continues to kiss me down my torso and gets down to my lower waist. I sob loudly asking him to stop and trying pushing him off. But everytime I do he hits me. He hits me hard. He starts to unzip my pants with me still trying to push him off I cry louder then what ive been doing. He has my pants off by now and he grabs the waist of my boxers, about to take them off I try to stop him, but he punches me. He wouldn't stop. Which made me cry more.

He was about to take them off until the bathroom door swings open and I saw everyone. William backs off and I run to Robin. I sob. And sob. And sob.

Before you know it, I was at an unknown house asleep on the couch. I wake up seeing everyone looking at me nervous. I was confused but then remembered. I sit up and put my head down.

Everyone hugs me and pats my back. "I'm sorry..." Robin says. I look up at him "what? Your sorry? You shouldn't be." I say moving a curl out of his face. "I should though. I wasn't there to protect you." Robin says. I give Robin a quick peck and cup his face. "It's okay..." I says smiling. Robin puts his head down. "Soo...what happened?"Griffen asked. "Um...let's not talk about it right now okay? How about me watch a movie?" I say looking at everyone. Everyone says yes. "Oh and who's house is this?" I says. "Mine" Vance says slightly nodding. I nod back in response. "So what movie?" Billy asks. "How about Hereditary?" Robin asked.

"Hell. No."
A/n: hey guys! So I'm very sorry if you couldn't read that or if it was to sensitive. ALSOOOOOO if you haven't seen Hereditary, you should watch it. But if you want, you can watch the trailer or preview or what ever before reading but you don't have too <3 it was about 1110 word :]

I hope yall have a good night/day/evening/dawn. Ily!

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