Prologue: Through Sea, Through Land, and Through the Stars

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The Fishing Port of Karnak

Lombard, on the planet Draco III

Draco System


"And that is how the Allies were able to turn the tide against Nazi Germany and the rest of the Axis Powers. In what would be known as the Battle of the Bulge by historians due to the 'bulge' the Germans created in the Ardennes during their counterattack, the Nazis tried to push the Americans and their allies back into the English Channel and deny the use of the port of Antwerp as a springboard to launch attacks on the motherland."

As the A.I. , a dark-haired woman in a drab gray female World War 2 military garb glowing a ghostly blue, continued the history lesson to the secondary school students inside the dark classroom, 15 year old Ethan Nakamura glanced to his left, gripping his tablet.  His friend Mohammad was on the tablet as the A.I., referred to as a dumb A.I. by military personnel due to it only working on a specialized role, in this case teaching a class of eager teens, lectured,  but Ethan could tell he wasn't taking notes on the lecture. Smirking, the boy with the olive features showed him what he had scribbled onto the writing pad. Peering closely, the tousled jet-black hair was barely able to suppress a snort at his friend's antics. Joe is a Wuss was written in text that glowed a sickly green in the darkness that was countered by the A.I.'s blue aura.

"That's a good one, bro, but you are aware he is right next you , right?"

"I am," their other pal Joe spoke up, not glancing away from the lecturing A.I. woman.  "And I know you are screwing around with me again. The only reason you won that Grifball match was because you were on the team with the most athletic members of Karnak Military Officer Academy.  Besides, you only coasted while Bernie Jung carried your team to victory. In other words, had Ethan or myself switched positions with you, you would be called a wuss-"

"Yeah, point taken," Mo grumbled. "However, that doesn't change the fact that I still won."

As Joe prepared a response to Mo's stubborn retort, a loud sound similar to a Sabre's sonic boom was heard, followed by a violent shaking of the classroom. Moments later, several more were heard, shaking the building violently and rattling the sealed windows. That was when the emergency lights flashed a bright red and the klaxons blared, indicating that this was no drill. They were under attack!

"What's going on out there?" their classmate Ahana asked, her beady eyes wide with fright.

"Not sure, but it sure isn't an earthquake," Mo replied as the entrance into the classroom was sealed with titanium blast doors. As the students took cover underneath their desks, their holographic instructor advised them to remain calm and follow safety protocols until they got an all clear signal. The windows rattled outside as the Longswords, noticeable by the roar of their engines, shot by. All the teenagers in the classroom exchanged glances. 

Is this another terrorist attack?

Bombings and rebel activity by insurgents have increased in recent weeks,  a few scattered separatists, radical activist organizations, crime syndicates, and anti-Earth government militants claiming responsibility, but most was perpetuated by the local cells of the United Rebel Front. Unlike other disorganized insurrectionists, the URF had a clear hierarchy and specific structure of leadership for each of the cells that were scattered not only on the planet, but throughout the Outer Colonies. This networking of the militaristic insurgents has proven  effective in operations, including coordinating with other Insurrectionists on common goals against common enemies. While this has proven troublesome for ONI and UNSC's anti-terrorist forces, the formation of the URT's echelon of leadership could prove to be the organization's downfall should the leaders be taken out. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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