Chapter 7: Chemical Warfare

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Kars flipped through the channels on Ida's computer. The screen projected to the TV. Loud. He made the TV very loud.

Charlie and Ida were blissfully ignorant, they watched what Kars chose with intense interest.

Kars just didnt want to hear what empty promises Shoto's father was whispering to you. Though you telling him to shut up was funny. The rooms in the apartment were sound proof, but not to Kars. Unfortunately not for Kars.

You had been in your room working on your most recent assignment all week. Though you didnt tell Ida you finished it. He kept out of your way, delving in to his own work.

Ida only came out of his study because Kars had been blasting this world's Beatles. Kars had been musing the difference of the two, the way this world's drugs affected the use of sound. Ida complained. Made him put something else, cause he needs a break anyway.

Then Charlie joined. Then Shoto's dad joined you in your room.

Kars couldn't understand it. He found you collaborating for reproductive purposes, uselessly, with Shoto a while ago. Then another man Kars identified to be related to Shoto, and now his father. You weren't joking at the party.

Kars changed it back to the music. You were too loud. For Kars. Ida and Charlie complained. The man decided to show Kars what he could only describe as this world's Mariah Carey. Instead of dolphin whistle notes, however, it was whale notes.

This was fine. Kars' ears were near bleeding, but at least he couldn't hear you.

{Sun Conquerors} - Kars x Reader Where stories live. Discover now