Chapter 5: Sleepover Initiated

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Charlie bolted around the green. You joked that she lived on a golf course. It turned out not to be a joke. You lot just came through an unmarked entrance.

"Yao momo." You said, with a flirty flutter of your lashes. "I would like to apply for the position of between your legs, uh, um, I meant your wife."

"Same thing."

"Get away, Mineta."

Your thought stutter was obviously fake. You wanted all the positions with Yaoyorozu. And you have made it known to her and the world for as long as your friendship has been.

"Once we get married," She always said this. "You can help me run my kingdom."

"To ruins!" Katsuki yelled. On fucking time.

Life felt like a script. Repetitive if you're the editor, enjoyable for the viewer.

Your new friend, Kars, found this all amusing... well, you found he frowned a lot, and you had this reflex of putting your emotions over others reactions. It's stupid, you consciously hate it but do it for attention. You should stop. There are better ways of getting attention. Especially when you live with someone as doting as Iida.

Your roommate popped out of some bushes. Midoriya and Tokoyami not far behind. They had the excuse that their golfcart broke down on a deep trail.

"There's a guy living near one of the border trenches."

"Yeah. That's Dave." Yao momo waved off. "Everyone calls him crazy, but he's a really cool guy."

"My Love, you're supposed to stay away from strange men."

"But he's funny. And he's like that guy on your plant strategy defense game. He even loves tacos. We've been doing Taco whenevers, because he like them so much. The schedule's always sporadic."

Koda found a fox.

It was time to head in before Katsuki did his routine of- nope. Why did you hope. Why did you think.

The idiot, your secret best friend, the man you would torture, the man you would offer to take his torture if done by another, the guy you had matching hello kitty tattoos with... pretended to be a rabid animal in hope of making Koda wary of randomly approaching animals. To which the veterinary student would politely articulate how fucking stupid Katsuki is and what was wrong with the animal he managed to find at the time.

The thing was, when he acted like a rabid animal, he liked to use you as his victim. He says its trust issues, and your the only one he trusts to have his teeth in. You know this to be bullshit. He likes the flavour of your skin, which is always coated with cocoa butter. And you over heard him one time admit this to Todoroki. Another of your secrets with matching tattoos.

These tattoos were in very secret places. Done by the best artists. Drunk students, the three of you... but that's a story for a different time.

You, this time you broke character, decided to check on Charlie. You bit Katsuki lightly on his cheek while he loudly argued the fox was looking at him weird. The fox had locked eyes with you. He, like you, wanted out of this conversation. Koda let you gingerly take the baby, under the guise that you were going to head straight to the house.

Charlie had been in the opposite direction to the golf carts. To the world, your lie was evident but allowed. You had to introduce the muddy therapy pet. Charlie is a fountain of empathy, his care washes the worries of Koda's found.

Except right now. Like you, he broke character and bounded towards you. Which was fine, because the fox was sleeping. Then was not fine, because Charile barked for you to watch him as he bound toward you. Can't emphasize this any more. Because it triggered the hugest rush for the fox to get away.

But you held it. Secured it in a way that kept you safe from the wild movements of attempted escape, and the wounded part of the fox intact. It impressed Koda, at least. He took the fox back. Charlie apologized. The fox huffed. You apologized. The fox huffed again.

Charlie sulked off to your new friend, Kars. He was the furthest point of the friend group. A decent distance to mull over your worries. You were close to following him.

This incited your host to finally guide everyone to the house.

There were a trail of golf carts. This wasn't just any normal sleepover. Iida had paid very close attention to make sure you hadn't known that prior to agreements. Had you known Yoa momo planned a UA class reunion sleepover, you would have been in Iidas bed typing out the rest of Jiro's music video call sheets. You were assistant producer, to the high maintenance Monoma Neito. Fucking nerd.

You hadn't been in their school. But you have been in and around the circles for three years of campus. So. They include you in things they do as a class. You dont like this, but you dont mind it either. Gives you funny dialogue ideas for scriptwriting.

Kars, Charlie and you were on the biggest of the carts at the end. Kars in the middle, and you two sandwiching him. Yao momo had an extensive list of equipment adapted for beings of any and all sizes. Because, apparently, basketball players would also visit the grounds.

"Not for golf." She said before. "Mostly for the spa resort and restaurants. But we need equipment to shuttle them between."

"Those legs." You whispered, only Mineta heard. Then guffawed.

Kars' knowledge of technology is amazing. He drove smoother than Iida, which is quite a feat and solidified he is an alien. Not of this world.

No doubt about his emotions now. He had a grin. Patted Charlie's head, then yours. Then hooked an arm around you two, his arms seatbelts for your security. A purple pink flash ran through the cart. And you were speed!

Your trio blasted past the rest. Tokyo drifting into the first parking spot on the drive way.

The absolute speed, the grace, the near completely tipping over as you parked! You weren't sure how you were looking up at Kars, how elated you were in the moment adding to an amazed expression.  You felt like you had dangerous doses of a drug you've never experienced before. And it was hella good shit, I tell you.

It didn't matter that you laughed, and turned it into plain awe. No. There was no hiding anything from those eyes. He knew with that Tokyo drift he had your heart. You could see him mulling over what to do with it.

You prayed he be gentle. Or he be quick.

Jack jumped over the candle stick.

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