Extra: Licita and Sosuke Aizen's Backstory

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  (Licita's p.o.v.)

   Loneliness. That's all I had known for as long as I could remember. When I was four, I had been stricken with a terrible curse that robs magic power and life force from everything and everyone around me. For that reason, I was hated and feared by everyone in my village, and forced to live in a house far from anyone. I grew up alone, having to learn how to take care of myself on my own. The loneliness was so painful that there were times when I just wanted to end my suffering, but there was a hope that kept me going. The hope that I'll meet someone who's not affected by my curse, that way I won't have to live my life all alone.

  I waited for that day to arrive since I was 4. As I lived my life of solitude, I found a five leaf grimoire at the age of 23. I learned that this particular grimoire was said to contain a devil a while back. Then, just a few days later while gathering firewood, I come across a little devil child who was badly injured and laying on the ground. I could sense that he didn't have any mana at all. So, he was just a defenseless little boy, and he was beat up so badly. I couldn't leave him their so I used my magic to carry him back to my house. My magic let me take anything without magic power and store them inside objects and take them out as well. So, I put him into a bottle and brought him back home.

  I treated his injuries and let him sleep in my bed. I kept watch over him until he woke up 2 days later. As I treated him, I discovered that my curse wasn't draining his life force at all. This made me happy for the first time in my life, someone was able to stay around me without dying. With this in mind, I asked the devil if he would like me to adopt him, which appeared to have thrown him for a loop. I couldn't say I blame him, most would probably think I was crazy for even thinking of wanting to raise a devil as my own. But, given that he had nowhere to go and humans fear and hate his kind, I believe that he would be much safer living with me. Besides, he was only one I met so far who was immune to my curse, I really appreciated he would stay and help easy my loneliness.

  He agreed to becoming my son and then I realized that he did tell me his name. I asked him and he said that he didn't have a name, so I chose to name him Liebe. From that day on, I had raised Liebe as my son, and let him enjoy life in our world. After 3 years, he told me about where he was from, the Underworld. He told me that it was desolate and the only entertainment the Devils had was to torture those weaker than they are and that was mostly how he was so beat up when I found him that day. He even told me that was beaten so badly that he stopped caring about anything, even if he died. But after living with me for so long, he regained his will to live, and a new appreciation of life. This made me happy. I was able to save Liebe from his suffering, and helped gain an appreciation of life.

  Then, Liebe asked me something that he said was on his mind for a while. He asked, "Why would you open your heart to someone like me? You didn't know anything about me until just an hour ago, and you still open your to a devil who could've killed you when you have your back turned. So why would you be so laid back with me around?" I couldn't help but laugh at that. After I stopped I answered, "Son, I told you the day we met. Why would I be afraid of a little boy, especially one who doesn't have any mana?" He quickly responded, "It doesn't take magic to end a life. Devils are naturally stronger than humans, both physical and magically. Even if they're a kid, a Devil can easily rip you apart." He did have a point, you don't need magic power to kill another living creature. Animals do it all the time in the wild. But that still didn't change the fact that I knew Liebe wouldn't hurt me. "That's true, even wild animals don't need magic to bring down their prey. However, I knew for a fact that you wouldn't do any harm to me. Look, just because you're a Devil, doesn't necessarily mean you're an evil being at heart. I know the truth, you're not a bad guy. Because of you, I don't have live my life all alone. You saved me, Liebe." I said to him happily, and I meant every word.

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