Ch 6: Level 5. A Way of Thanks

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"Slayer. Why are you just standing there?" Kyle asks as grief rushes over me.

"Because this is wrong." I say in sign language as I put the Hell Breaker away.

"What do you mean?" He asks confused.

"How do you think she feels, the Queen. I burst into her domain, start killing her children, and now am trying to kill her. With no Queen to produce Royal Jelly and no heir to replace her, the entire species would die off if I do this. That's not what I want. I want Royal Jelly, not the death of a species."

"Oh. I see..." He trails off in thought.

"Well done, Great Slayer." The Voice interrupts. "You've completely the test." Wait, this was all a test? "Yes, Great Slayer, this was a test. A test of your empathy and sympathy. To see if you truly cared about others, even if they weren't Human. And you've past." So I did all that...for a simple test? I could feel my rage returning as my brow begins to furrow. "No, of course not. I knew you would have been pissed off. You can still milk her for her Jelly. Look for something that looks like a nipple on her stomach." I find her stomach and see the thing it talks about. "Now take out that empty glass bottle you have and place it firmly around the surface." I do as told and tightly hold it around it. "Now gently squeeze her." I squeeze and a dark yellow jelly like substance is secreted out of the orifice and into the jar. "Now take that bottle to the Foyer, I have a gift for you." This gift better be worth it.

The way out may be a problem however, getting through the wall of debris? No. The Death Moth horde on the other side? An inconvenience. I look at the injured Queen, and she looks back at me. Her face stricken with rage. I climb onto her back and begin lifting the massive rock that crushed her wings. I lift up the whole thing, but before I push it off I look at the Queen again, her face calming into confusion once more. This time, I'm not gonna fight her. I push it off of her and jump to the ground. But as my feet hit the floor I hear a terrifying noise. The cracking of rock above me, debris falling down on my helmet and armor. I look up at the ceiling and see a horrifying site, the roof is cracking more and more. I didn't think about that.

"Oh shit, Slayer, cave in!" The Queen is already running to a large hole when a large boulder is crashing down on me from above. I run past falling rock and stone, dodging the ones that fall in front of me. "Run!" Kyle yells. Oh you don't think I know this! I keep running until I hear a squealing to my right. I look over and see a large larva calling out to the Queen. "Oh my god, Slayer! I think that's her Larva, her heir!" The moment he says this I'm already changing course and heading towards the Larva. The Queen gave me her Jelly so I should do something for her. "Your going to save it? Good idea honestly." 

 The Larva sees me approach and she begins crying louder for her mother. The Queen begins roaring at me but can't leave the hole she's in because of the falling rocks. One lands right in front of me as I reach the Larva. I don't have time for you! I punch the large boulder and it shatters to dust. I reach for the Larva and tuck it under my arm, the Queen and the Larva scream as they think I'm going to kill it. No, I'm saving it.

I run for the Queen as she realizes what I'm doing she stops yelling at me to stop and starts yelling at me to keep going. I reach her and drop the Larva off next to her. She looks at me and bows her head, I do the same with a slow nod. "Well, guess your gonna have to... wait." He pauses as a large metal Boiler falls from the gaping hole in the ceiling. "Well, there's the Boiler Room." The Boiler is then followed by other Boilers and furnaces, then metal pipes being ripped out and pulled down with them, steam pouring out of the hole. The falling debris soon ceases allowing me to exit the hole. But as I walk away the baby calls out to me.

{UNDER REWRITE} Ragnarök: Hatred In Another RealityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora