Really Good Friend

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"Come in!" I say with a wave, beckoning Robin forward. She pokes her head in first and I notice her eyes dart around the living room. "Is this gonna take all day?" I joke as I grab her hand and tug her in. Robin laughs as she stumbles, courtesy to my pulling, and gently closes the door behind her. "Your house is cute. Cozy," she says, eyeing the fireplace and worn-in couch. "I guess," I shrug, having never really given it much thought. "Anyway, let's go upstairs, yeah?" I ask. Robin nods happily and follows behind me. As I step up the stairs, Robin trailing behind me, I smile softly to myself.

"Here we are," I say as we reach the landing, pointing to the door with my finger. Robin tilts her head to the side like a puppy dog. "I know," she says with a small laugh. "I have been here before. Like many times," she says. "Well, yeah. I know! It's just - whatever!" I stammer as I give Robin a light swat on the shoulder. I twist the doorknob and the hinges creak as we let ourselves in. She leans awkwardly against the wall as she starts to speak. "It looks different in here," she says. I give her a knowing smile. "Probably because I moved a few things around. Like that -" I say as I point to my desk. "Oh! That makes sense," she responds, nodding. "Yup."

 I continue to point out things I've moved around as I plop down on my bed. "We should get started on the, uh, project," I say soon after. "The poster board and everything is by you. On the desk." Robin quickly scoops up all the materials and holds them tightly to her chest as she shuffles to the middle of my room. As she lowers herself down on the carpet, she releases the papers. "You wanna work on the floor?" I say with a small smirk. Robin looks up at me, brows raised. "You don't? Where else could we work?" she asks. "On my bed? It's way comfier!" I answer with a laugh. Robin gulps as she stares at me. "Uh, sure!" she says finally. I scootch over to the side and pick up the poster board. Robin grabs the rest as she makes her way over. "You can sit here," I say, patting the spot next to me. She does, and soon we're shoulder to shoulder. "Let's get to work," I say, marker in hand.

Soon, an hour passes by and we're only halfway finished. "Do you want something to eat? Drink?" I ask and shift my position to look at her. Robin looks up from where she's drawing a diagram. "Both would be great, actually," she says with a breathy laugh. I smile and nod, then hop off my bed.

As I'm shuffling around in my kitchen looking for snacks, I hear someone come down the stairs. I turn to find the source of the noise and a big smile forms on my face. "Holly! Hey there," I call, rushing over. I wrap her up in a hug and swing her around. She laughs in response. "Hi! What are you doing?" she asks, noticing the opened pantry and drawers. "Oh," I chuckle. "Just trying to get some food. Robin's over." Holly's eyes light up. "Robin?" she asks, a huge smile on her face. "I know, I know. Your favorite person ever, besides me, right?" I ask even though I know the answer. "She's upstairs in my room," I continue to tell her.

Holly is practically obsessed with Robin. Hell, I know why because I basically am, too. Besides being a really good friend, there's just something intriguing about her, something that draws you in and doesn't let go. Whenever I announce that a friend is coming over, Holly is the first to ask if it's Robin. If I tell her it is, she'll wait by the front door to be the first to greet her. If I say no, it's someone else, her shoulders fall and she'll ask me the next time Robin will be coming over.

"Can I go with you to say hi?" Holly asks me, tugging at my arm. "Go with me to my room? Always," I responded. "But, if you want to come in right now, you have to carry everything for me." She nods happily, seeing it as a great deal, and I pass off two bottles of water, multiple boxes of crackers and a pack of cookies to her. Holding onto them tightly, she bounds up the stairs and into my room. I come in shortly after her to see that she dumped all of the food on the floor and is seated by Robin on my bed. "Holly, is this really where you had to put the food?" I ask while moving it over to my desk. She doesn't even look in my direction, she's too busy talking. I come over to my bed and sidle up close to Robin. So close that I can smell her perfume. I tell myself I'm sitting as close as I am because Holly took my spot, but deep down I know it's something more. As I snatch the packet of Oreos, I mentally chide myself and shake the thought. We're just good friends. Really good friends. 

But really good friends don't get giddy after calling each other. Really good friends don't try to get closer every minute. Really good friends don't feel like holding hands with their other really good friend. And really good friends don't hate being called 'just a really good friend'.

"You want one?" I offer Robin, holding out a cookie. She turns her head to face me and opens her mouth. My eyes widen as I hand-feed her an Oreo, and her mouth slides off my fingers as she takes it. I gulp and Robin goes back to talking to Holly. I wipe my hands across my jeans, and shove the food away, suddenly not feeling hungry. As Robin continues to converse with my little sister, I stare at her. My eyes travel up and over her body, and back down. It's hard not to when someone so pretty, so perfect is sitting a mere inch away from you. Suddenly, Robin stops talking and turns to face me. "I forgot to thank you for the Oreo," she says as she reaches for my arm. She gives it a little squeeze, making me smile. "You're welcome," I say, heat rising to my cheeks. "And Holly, it's time for you to go. Robin and I have got to get our project done," I say, already hopping off the bed. I shoo her out but just before I get a chance to close the door, Holly speaks, "You were staring at Robin. And you look at her the way you used to look at Johnathon." I open my mouth but can't get any words out. All I can do is shake my head, and then I shut the door. "What did Holly say?" Robin asks me, jolting me from my thoughts. "Oh!" I stutter. "Nothing important!" She chuckles. "If you say so."

We end up finishing the project around 12:00 P.M. I say goodbye to Robin and walk her out to her car. "I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" She asks, a smile playing on her lips. I run my eyes down her face and nod. "'Course. Tomorrow is Monday," I answer, though holding back another sentence. The words are on the tip of my tongue. They are in the very front of my brain. I like you. The very words that could either ruin our friendship or create a deeper one. Even another type of relationship all together. But instead I bite my lip and swallow, forcing those words down. Choking them down. I keep quiet. Then, I watch her drive off and turn down the other road. I continue to stand in the driveway as the words finally start to disappear in my mind. It was just a fluke. What does my little sister know?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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