Science Questions

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Robin casually sits down on the cool metal bench of her group's lunch spot. She, and her friends Nancy, Steve, and Eddie, have their own little table in the quiet corner. No one goes over there unless it's for some sort of sketchy drug deal. She moves closer to Nancy in a friendly manner and offers her a smile. Nancy quickly smiles back, then resumes her confusing conversation about the school's writing club with Eddie. Robin playfully laughs under her breath at Nancy and starts eating lunch when a voice interrupts her.

"Hi," someone says.

Robin peers up from her lunch tray and looks around to see where the voice is coming from. She turns her head to the right and close to her shoulder is a girl. She goes slack-jawed, mostly out of nervousness before mumbling back a response. The girl laughs and throws back her head. Her  blonde hair cascades down her shoulder as she does so, and Robin can't help but stare in awe.

"I'm Avery. And I just came over here to ask for your number," she says. "I mean, we're in the same science class and I might have to ask you some science-type questions. For the test coming up. That's...all." Avery awkwardly glances away from Robin after finishing her sentence and starts to play with the button on her flannel.

Nancy, now suddenly interested in the conversation, turns away from Eddie and moves as close to Robin as possible. Who's this girl asking for Robin's number?  Without even realizing, Nancy is giving Avery the meanest glare ever. She squints her eyes, lowers her eyebrows, and stares directly at her, over Robin's shoulder. Avery just stands there as Robin stammers a half-assed answer. Nancy's stare hardens. Yeah right, I'm sure she wants Robin's number for science questions, not- She's ripped from her thoughts when Steve harshly shakes her shoulder.

"Nancy? Are you there?" Steve asks, waving a hand in front of her face. Nancy's expression immediately softens as she hears his voice. She shakes her head, lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding, and focuses on Steve. "You had a complete death stare going on." Steve waives his hand in front of her face and chuckles as Nancy's face reddens. She runs her eyes around the room, unable to look directly at Steve. 

"No I didn't," she finally says defensively, wrapping her arms around tightly her own waist. Steve shrugs and continues. "If anything, I'd say you're jealous."

"Jealous? Who would I be jealous of? Avery?" Nancy shoots back. "Just because she's gorgeous and very obviously making Robin flustered? How am I jealous, Steve?" she says through gritted teeth.

Steve's mouth opens as his hands go up in a surrendering motion. He purses his lips before speaking. "I'm just saying. That sounds exactly like jealousy."

Nancy pushes Steve's arm and turns her back on him, facing Robin again. Just as she does so, Robin gets over her initial shock. "If you want my number for science and other classes, sure! But, if I'm thinking right and it's for other reasons, then sorry. I already like someone," Robin says while shooting Nancy a small smirk.

Nancy's stomach flutters as her face simultaneously flushes bright red again. She returns Robin's gesture with a nervous smile then quickly looks away, scared that Robin will notice her blushing.

What if it's me? She thinks, face still red and her expression giddy. Her stomach flares with nerves so much that she can't even finish her lunch. Without even thinking, she reaches her arm underneath the table and grabs Robin's right hand that was resting on her lap. Nancy gives Robin's hand a small squeeze that she returns almost immediately. They both play it cool, looking in directions opposite from each other and the lunch table, but underneath all that, they're biting back smiles as butterflies are swarming around in both their stomachs.

A/N: Hi!!I know this one is short, but I thought it was cute. I mean we all know that Nancy is, although she would probably make it somewhat more subtle, a definite jealous type. I already have (I think) chapter six in the works so stay tuned. Thanks for reading. :)

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