You Can Count on Me

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Holly had to admire Ivy's work ethic.

She was measured and methodical, planning every step and executing them with speed and precision. Holly had been ready to jump in and help, considering her impressive knowledge of gingerbread construction, but she found herself pleasantly surprised that Ivy had the skills to back up her attitude.

First, they made a template. Then, they mixed up the gingerbread dough. Holly did add a few tweaks to the recipe to give the gingerbread better flavor, but other than that, she let Ivy take the lead and enjoyed following the woman's directions.

As they put the gingerbread in the oven and began working on marshmallow fondant they would use to mold people and cars, Holly decided to try to strike up a conversation.

"So..." she began awkwardly. "What is your most unpopular holiday opinion?"

Ivy looked up at her with her eyebrows raised before returning to the fondant. She shrugged.

"I like fruitcake," she answered.


"Not the way you're thinking," Ivy explained. "My mom makes a fruitcake with fruit that she soaks in alcohol for months. It's a Jamaican tradition, one of the ones she's managed to hold onto. Anyone who hates fruitcake just hasn't had hers. You'll see."

Ivy looked up again to watch Holly. "And your unpopular Christmas opinion?"

Holly thought for a moment. "I like ugly Christmas trees," she answered. "Lumpy, misshapen, oddly-spaced branches, with a bunch of ornaments that don't go together."

Ivy's face wrinkled in confusion. "Why?"

"I don't know," Holly replied with a shrug. "I just find imperfect things more endearing."

A faint smile played across Ivy's lips before her expression turned serious once more.

"That's fine for Christmas trees, but this gingerbread piece has to be perfect."

Ivy resumed diligently kneading the fondant. Holly watched her for a moment, then decided to ask the question she had wanted to ever since she found out Ivy's real reason for choosing her as a teammate.

"Why is this competition such a big deal to you?"

Ivy froze mid-knead before resuming her work with the fondant. "You wouldn't understand."

"Try me," Holly replied.

This time, when Ivy raised her eyes to look at Holly, they were filled with their characteristic chill.

"Why would I tell my brother's fake fiancée anything?" she challenged.

Holly held up her hand with the ring on her finger. "It's not fake. We're engaged."

"I could put a ring on my finger too, and it wouldn't make me any more engaged than I am currently," Ivy countered.

Holly frowned. The woman had a point. And the whole thing was kind of fake – just not for the reasons Ivy thought.

Before Holly could respond, Ivy spoke again. "How much is he paying you?" she asked. "Whatever it is, it's not enough."

"He's not paying me anything," Holly snapped, irritated. "I didn't even know about the inheritance until after you brought it up."

"So he was going to keep everything for himself? That's even worse."

"It's not about the inheritance," Holly protested.

"No, Adam just miraculously decides to get married after Grams makes the inheritance contingent on him getting married," Ivy replied sarcastically.

"Because he didn't realize how much getting married meant to her," Holly explained.

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