Christmastime in the City

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Leaving the North Pole had been easier than expected. Holly simply told her parents that she wanted to spend more time with her fiancé before the engagement party and that she wanted him to meet her maid of honor, Mistletoe. Her dad had protested initially that he needed her help, until her mom pointed out that if they were actually going to retire, this might be the last year Holly had without a bunch of major responsibilities. And that it would be a nice gesture towards Adam's parents, who would be losing Christmases with their son.

That had been enough to change Santa's mind.

The traveling was easy enough, too. Holly's dad had to take his sleigh to get to Florida, and he agreed to drop Holly and Mistletoe along the way.

So the two sat in the back of the sleigh, Holly clenching every muscle in her body and Mistletoe looking as though she was going to jump out of hers with excitement.

After a quick flight, the group landed in a park in Westchester. Santa couldn't land in the city itself because it would be far too visible. Christmas magic came partly from people believing in him; if he revealed his existence, people wouldn't have to believe. They would just know.

Her dad helped her and Mistletoe out of the sleigh, then wrapped Holly in a warm hug.

"I love you, gumdrop," he told her. "Have a great time with Adam. I'm really looking forward to meeting him."

Holly felt a heavy weight settle on her when her dad pulled away, but as a grown woman, she wasn't going to try to prolong the hug. Her father turned to Mistletoe with a weary expression.

"You...just try to stay out of trouble," he told the elf.

Mistletoe nodded diligently.

Santa gave the two a final sad smile before hopping back into his sleigh. "Let's go!" he commanded the reindeer, who took off immediately.

"Your dad hates me," Mistletoe said as they watched Santa's sleigh disappear into the sky.

Holly shook her head with a smile. "He just thinks you're trouble. He's not wrong."

Mistletoe punched Holly lightly on the shoulder before looking around at the forest. "So what now?"

"Now we take the train into the city."

Mistletoe's eyes lit up. "Train?"

Holly sighed. The elves weren't so sheltered that they didn't know about the world outside the North Pole, but most hadn't experienced any of it for themselves. She had a feeling Mistletoe was going to freak out at every new experience.

She was right.

Mistletoe's eyes were wide from the time they arrived at the train station until the time they arrived at their Airbnb. That wasn't an issue for Holly. The more concerning thing to her was that Mistletoe felt the need to touch everything.

Trash bags.

"It's so squishy!"

Every pole in the subway.

"So smooth, Holly!"

And people.

"They look like they need a hug!"

"Mistletoe, you can't just go around hugging everyone," Holly scolded the elf for the umpteenth time as she dragged her away from a particularly disgruntled-looking woman cursing them out.

"Hugs will make them feel better," Mistletoe argued.

"Not everyone likes hugs," Holly explained. "Especially from strangers."

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