I've Always Loved You, So Do You Love Me Too? ~Part 1~

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•Author here! This is going to be awhile so get out some snacks, drinks, get comfortable and enjoy•

PS> realized it takes long to have all ships immediately, I can assure you, all ships promised WILL be written, I just wanted to clear that up.

And yes I've split it into two parts, the most parts there will be is 3, I promisee, now enjoy reading! You should get an update soon!


Takemichi is at school, as usual, but he misses his boyfriend rather too much today. He knows he's been out of town for a fair while and he's gotten used to it over the past few months. So, why did he suddenly miss him even more? Could something have happened to him?

The lesson then was interrupted with a knock at the door. The teacher looks out with a grunt, she's never been the nicest but she's great at teaching, but Takemichi has put up with her over the years, she had her moments though. "You may come in," the teacher said to the mystery person at the door. The person then walked into the classroom.

He looked around and said to the teacher, "The principal was wondering if he could see Hanagaki Takemichi." 

Me? Takemichi thought, what could he have done this time you might be wondering. He didn't do anything, actually. He didn't know this though, and his palms began to sweat.

"You are the new student I assume?" "Yes Ma'am, sorry to trouble you," he said as he bowed. "Hanagaki, please escort him with you to the principal." 

Takemichi then got up from his desk and walked to the new student. They both walked through the hallways and he decided to make small conversation. "So how's your first day been? This school can be really stressful." "My days been great actually." Takemichi then stopped in his tracks, "I almost forgot to introduce myself, I am Hanagaki Takemichi, and you are?" 

"Kazutora Hanemiya." Kazutora then burst out into laughter. He was surprised Takemichi hadn't recognized him, not by voice or appearance, nothing. "Kazu?! You're back?!" Kazutora then covered Takemichi's mouth, "Quiet down, and yes I'm back. Nice to see you again too. Now back to my visit, I need a tour of the school and I offered for you to be one for me." "Alright then."

Takemichi then began showing Kazutora all the different classes, while making some small talk. "Oh and that's Geography- watch out for Mrs. Johnson, she has been a ticking time bomb recently. All because of her stupid Husband- he cheated on her, she has decided to give him a second chance but she's still pissed." Kazutora then hugged Takemichi's back, "How many more classrooms do we need to see? My feet are getting tired of this already. This school is huge!" 

Takemichi then took a pause, "We just started so about... I'd say 19 or so. Does anyone else know you've came back? Or am I the first?" "Why wouldn't you be the first? You know I love you, I'm nothing like Mrs. Johnson's husband." "Kazu!" Takemichi then hit Kazutora's head with force, "Please don't say that! It's very offensive to the teachers." "Fine, fine! Well, moving on from that... I suppose we have both changed our looks since last calling each other." 

Takemichi then looked at Kazutora's head more clearly and backed away after getting a good look. "I like the earring, and your hair- this look suits you much better." Kazutora didn't know how to say this but, Takemichi's hair was a disaster, there was way to much gel in it- and his shaping was dreadful. So he decided not to tell him, he did something else instead. 

"Can I do something to your hair?" "Sure." Kazutora then took a comb out of his pocket, he usually had one in case he had hair in his face and wouldn't let anyone use it, but Takemichi really needed it, badly. He combed Takemichi's hair so that it was no longer up but down and fluffy, this hairstyle fit him much better. "Keep your hair like that, it suits you much better. Now we may have on with the tour!"

I've Always Loved You, So Do You Love Me Too? (Bajikazufuyutake)Where stories live. Discover now