It's Just My First Day of High School

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Chapter 1- It's Just My First Day of High School!

Y/n's POV

"Hey kiddo! KID! Y/N WAKE UP!!!" Yelled my sister as she shook me awake. Ah yes Toko L/n, my sister. "Hmm, I'm awake what?" I muttered, putting a pillow on my face. "It's your first day of high school! Cmon! You don't wanna be late now do you?" She said while throwing the blankets to the side. "AH, SHIT ITS COLD TOKO WHAT THE FUCK!"

"That's a you problem, anyway I made breakfast. So hurry the hell up." Then Toko went out the room. I sighed. New day, new year, new school, boring class. I never really liked school—actually who am I kidding, nobody likes school! I mainly didn't like it because I got less sleep, more work, and less time for me to finish my works.

I didn't fix my bed since I'm kind of lazy, and went to go brush my teeth and shower. After that nice shower I changed into my uniform. It's pretty basic if you ask me, but I'd get dress coded if I didn't wear it and I don't wanna people to stare, judge, and make up rumors about me. I headed downstairs to see Toko happily eating a plate full of pancakes.

"You were supposed to wait for me." I frowned. "When it comes to food, I wait for no one!" Toko says, stuffing her mouth with more pancakes. "Whatever, I'll take some toast to go." I muttered, grabbing my bag and three pieces of bread. "Wait your not gonna stay!? Awh man, who am I gonna eat with then!!!" Toko whined as I rolled my eyes. "How about your little 'friend', Amabuki." I smirked. "HEY YOU LEAVE HIM OUTTA THIS!" Toko screamed. Before she could say another thing I waved goodbye and ran out the house.


Once I finally made it to school I stood there stunned. The school was big and there were a lot of people. I never really liked big crowds, it made me feel claustrophobic and nervous. "Okay Y/n, just stay calm and act accordingly..." I muttered to myself. I walked to one of the students passing out stuff, something about clubs, locker numbers, class, and a map of the school.

"Hi there how can I help?" The student asked. "Oh uhm, my name is Y/n L/n, I'm a first year, and I need my locker number, schedule, and a map of the school."

"Alright here you go!" The student said. I thanked them and went on with my day. Locker number A23 hm, oh I see it. I opened my locker, changed my shoes, and went upstairs to my first class, aka homeroom.


I heard a voice and a bunch of running noises behind me. My eyes widened. It was Najimi Osana, my childhood friend and my only friend. "O-Oh hey Najimi." I waved. They jumped onto me and started giving me a big hug. "Y/NNNN!!! I missed you so much!" They yelled. I felt my face slowly turning pink. "Mhm, I missed you too." I smiled while patting them on the back.

"Pft—Hey Y/n you okay? Your face is turning kind of pink."  Snickered the teen. I felt my face warm up more, it felt like I was gonna explode. I quickly nodded and changed the subject. "So uhm, do you know what homeroom your in?" I asked. "Oh yea lemme check real quick. Look! It's the same as yours." Pointed out Najimi.

"Hm, well at least we get to see each other again." I smiled. "Yeah! I'm sorry that we haven't talked in awhile, it's kind of my fault." Apologized Najimi. "No don't worry, I kind of blame myself too for being so busy." I reassured them as we both walked to class.

(I forgot how this part kinda went so uh ye)

"Okay everyone take a seat." Said the teacher as she walked in. I decided to sit near the window since the outside slightly calmed me down. "Now when I call your name please stand up and introduce yourself to everyone." Said the teacher as she started to call role. I zoned out for a minute or two till she called my name. "Y/n L/n."

I stood up. "Here—Oh uhm, I'm Y/n L/n and it's nice to meet you all..." I quickly replied and sat back down. A few minutes later it came to the last person called. "Shoko Komi." Called the teacher. A girl with dark purple hair and piercing purple eyes stood up. Shoko Komi was her name and everyone, including me, thought she beautiful. A complete goddess even. She stood there for a moment until she walked up to the board and started to write something.

'Hello, my name is Shoko Komi. It's nice to meet you all.'
(I'm not sure if that's actually what happened, I'm doing this by memory so I'm sorry)

I read the board and smiled. Although Komi looked beautiful, she looked quite intimidating as well. I could see through her though, she's most likely a shy person with anxiety. I mean why else wouldn't she wanna talk. Komi quickly sat back down in her seat and class started.

Ring Ring it's Lunch bitch.

It was now lunchtime and I decided to stay in the classroom. I looked through my bag to find food and my sketch book. I managed to find my sketch book, but...ohno...I FORGOT MY LUNCH DAMMIT. "I don't think I can go through this any longer..." I muttered as I layed my head down and started to slowly draw.

"Hey Y/n—!"
"SHIT—Oh it's just you... Hi Najimi."

"Hehehe did I scare you?" Snickered Najimi as I gave them a playful punch to the arm. "Ow! Ohno! I'm injured!" I rolled my eyes and continued to draw. Najimi pulled a chair up to me. "Sooo whatcha drawing?" Asked Najimi. "Hm, not sure, but I'm hoping it'll look good enough." I replied.

"Hey Y/n."
"Say 'ahh' for me please."
"Just do it!"

"Alright, ahhh—" I opened my mouth and felt something stuffed inside. "MmM!"
"Hehe! I thought you'd be somewhat hungry. I saw you looking through your bag earlier." Smiled Najimi. "So you were stalking me?" I said while eating from Najimi's bento. "N-No! Don't come up with such conclusions. I'm not that creepy! Anyway do you like it?" They asked. I nodded as I happily ate.


School was now over. I packed my stuff and headed to the door. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hey Y/n let's walk together!" Smiled Najimi. I returned the smile back as we both started to catch each other up about ourselves.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot, how's Toko?" Asked Najimi.
"She's fine, her skin has healed a lot since the last time you saw her. You should really come over and visit sometime. It'd be nice to hang out like this again, like old times." I replied, muttering the last part.
"Hm, what was that last part?"
"Nothing, it's okay...Oh look we're here. I guess this is my stop." I said.
"Well I guess we depart here. Cya tomorrow Y/n! Oh and don't forget your lunch!"Waved Najimi as they ran off. I waved and smiled back. As they got farther and farther my smile faded into a frown. I went in my house and got ready for bed.

I didn't feel like eating dinner today. I didn't know why, but I wanted to cry. When Najimi left something felt wrong. I'm not sure why though, or maybe I'm overthinking and overwhelmed. "I should just sleep..." I sighed as I got in bed and started to close my eyes.

A/N: Hey there! Hope you enjoyed this first chapter and I'm sorry if I didn't recreate the right scene for some of the parts. I'm trying to do this all by memory so yea there's that. I will be adding some different and/or extra dialogue and scenes for some or most of the book. Btw I'm going off of I've watched in the anime, I'll try and use the manga though. -Ashe

Word Count: 1395

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