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*So cold: A young girl shivered trying to warm herself up by chugging another bottle of whiskey It was pitch black the fear of being pulled under water by a sea creature scared her. She wouldn't even see it coming

The small plank that she laied on helped keep her head over water. The waves made some of the water splash on her face making her even colder.

She knew she shouldn't have gotten on that boat. Death always followed her it's arms always had her in its clutches but it never went for the kill. At least not with her.

Instead it would go for the people around her. She didn't even have to know them for them to drop dead. It only happened with people though. Animals seemed to be attracted to her like a moth to a flame.

She winced at the bright light that blinded her vision. A loud roar came from it.

A boat

"Hey!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. "I'm over here!" Her head felt heavy your vision was hazy

I..I drank to much.' She thought to herself as an over bearing headache followed.

"H..." She lost her voice from her stomach churning The boat didn't stop. In fact it kept on going.

"Hey! Stop the boat!" She yelled at the top of her lungs making her throat raw. But no avail the boat didn't stop it was as if no one was on look out. Even worse she couldn't hear voices on the boat.

The young girls hearing was impeccable. She could hear conversations in other houses even if they were whispering. So why couldn't she hear anyone on the boat.

It could have been because of the loud waves crashing against each other or a loud whine from the whales beneath her. But something didn't sit right with her.

Just then she realized that the boat hadn't stopped at all. In fact it was closer than ever. If she wanted to she could swim towards it and touch it.

'It's not gonna stop... She thought to herself.

'But I can't swim.' She began to panic. The boat was to wide for her to swim out of the way and she wasn't fast enough even with this plank she was laying on.

The only thing was to go down

But how? She wouldn't be able to come back up Even if she did whose to say how deep the boat actually went? It could be hundreds of feet deep.

She decided to take her chances and hesitantly let go of the plank. The cold dark water swallowed her Now she knew her mistake how stupid of her. She was too deep now that the water had already pulled her in.

The blades of the boat were deafening under water. The pressure made her ears pop. She hoped she was swimming down. She was racing against time and her lung capacity.

As the blades got closer she started to loose consciousness. At that point she could feel herself getting pulled towards the blades.
"Jinx wake up!" You gasped sitting up to your sister pulling you out of bed roughly.

Jinx..you forgot they called you that. You couldn't remember your name when you came here so they called you jinx. That name alone told everyone all they needed to know

You were bad luck

No wonder why you were being roughly pulled out of bed. The village was burning to the ground.


Villagers screamed and cried. Mothers pushed past burning planks to get to their children who were sleeping in the burning houses. Children held their older siblings crying. Some of them were infants that the older brother or sister clung to in fear of them being ripped apart

You're My Queen Yandere Kny x black readerWhere stories live. Discover now