Followed by the Vastayan was a man with purple skin as well as an eyeglass who was smiling as he followed. His black beard was the only hair visible when he's bald with a large scroll behind him and he was much more calmer than the one in front of him.

"Line up!" the Vastayan shouted to the point my ears stung even from this distance. We did as followed and eventually 5 lines were made while the two waited as we did so. Ahri was on my left but she was already paying attention while I just looked at my fingers. Gold claws were equipped and never have I found them troublesome. I'm just impressed both by the quality and how it's comfy but my mind was caught up by the prickling feeling on my nape.

I turned calmly as I tried to find what's causing this and seeing how Ahri's ears were doing the same, looks like I'm not the only one. The sensation was very very creepy, it held no motive or hostility its the feeling of someone's intervening in your personal space through a stare.

We were in the 8th column so the people at the back were limited. There is an open spot behind the person at my back and the guy was confused just as we were when he kept looking around. I sighed the annoying feeling but it still felt like I should be cautious.

The coach and the professor eventually found out that someone was missing. Hmm, we were all present in the first class. Did someone ditch this subject? Whoever they are they're...

Haaah, Y/N.

"We'll be checking everyone's attendance. If your name is called then reply!" the Vastayan roared and the professor took out a paper from nowhere before stepping forward.

"Alright then, Illaoi!" the professor, even when he shouted, sounded much more gentle than the other one.

"Here Professor Ryze," a lady with a muscular build replied. This is going to take a while.

After a few minutes of waiting and getting my name called I counted 47 names. I heard Ahri and the others being called so I'm glad about that. Ahri hasn't really calmed down yet when now even she's looking around with a confused expression.

"Zeri!" the Vastayan shouted and the person on the last column on Ahri's row raised her arms. It made me smile as I looked in her direction and her noticing made those eyelashes flinch up nervously.

"Coach Rengar, present sir!" the girl replied. I chuckled at how she was anxious with the tone. She lowered her arms and it went to scratching the back of her head.

"Y/N!" Rengar shouted and...silence. It made almost everyone turn their heads while Rengar let out a groan.

"Sir Y/N!" Rengar repeated and I noticed a glow that passed through the back of the lady in front of me. It made me look back wondering what caused the reflection and there he was. Raising his weapon up high with his right arm.

"Present," he said in a not-so-loud way. Hell, it's actually pretty quiet making me look if Rengar even heard it. Looks like he did when the creature was looking directly at my row but...did he just?

I noticed Rengar widening his eyes, he doesn't seem irritated which is something I find strange considering his usual outbursts and such. It's interesting how he actually smiled as he looked at Professor Ryze. He nodded and gestured his chin to Y/N as if he acknowledged the man before he walked back to Ryze. Huh, that's the first time I've seen him welcome someone passively.

Y/N placed his weapon down and it made me raise my eyebrows by the small tremor it did. Surprising sure, he didn't even put some effort into it but I just chuckled since I bet it just got impaled to the soil.

"Gwen?!" Rengar continued as he walked while he was facing the crowd. I saw the girl on my right raise her right arm while the other held a very big scissors. Her blue hair tied to twin tails as the edges curled was a sight to see especially when paired up with her clothes.

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