say it will be all right, and I shall believe

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"It was revenge," Jack reported as they were walking down the hall from the interrogation room. "He lost not only his money but also his family because of Mijo's biological mother. Since he couldn't get the money, he decided to go for her daughter instead. But I wouldn't worry if I were you. Considering what happened tonight and his rap sheet, he will be put away for a long time."

The adrenaline running in his system had tempered down into incredible fatigue that he could only nod. "Thank you," Cheol-ryeong told him, turning to face him once they have reached his cubicle and ignoring the way the latter's eyebrows quirked up in response. "For taking care of this and for looking out for us. I won't forget it."

"Well, you were too involved in this to be impartial," Jack pointed out, casting a knowing glance at his bruised knuckles. Cheol-ryeong could only clear his throat and attempt to hide his hand, trying to forget how he lost his cool. "Besides, that's what partners do. Look out for each other. You don't have to thank me."

It was almost funny how much he resented the man when they met each other over a year ago. "Still, thank you," he insisted. "Anyway, I'm sorry for doing this, but can we get back to this tomorrow? I won't dump all of the paperwork on you. I just need to make sure that Mijo's okay -."

Recognition settled on his face as Jack saw something behind him. "I don't think you have to go too far to do that," he told him, gesturing towards the woman who just entered the precinct.

Cheol-ryeong turned to look at what he was talking about. Mijo was still wearing the same dress she had on earlier, but his sharp eyes could see the blood droplets and the dirt that the incident had inflicted on it. She still looked breathtaking, albeit frazzled, before her eyes settled on him.

"I'll leave you two alone," Jack might have said in the background, but he barely heard him.

She began walking towards him before her steps quickened in a haste to get to him. Her lower lip was trembling and her eyes were filling with tears. He moved to meet her halfway, catching her as she threw herself in his arms. "Why weren't you answering your phone?" she whimpered, holding onto him like a lifeline. "Why weren't you...? I was so worried. I kept calling and calling."

"I'm sorry," he said again and again, hugging her just as fiercely. "I... I needed to take care of it."

He pulled back just enough to look at her face. Even when she was crying, she looked gorgeous. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" he asked, brushing away strands of hair clinging onto her wet cheeks. She shook her head. "We got him. He will be put away for a long time. He... he won't bother you anymore. I... I'm so sorry. I promised you that I will take care of it, but I -."

She interrupted him with a kiss. "Don't you dare," she said afterwards. Her trained eyes began searching for wounds before settling on the bullet graze on his arm that was poorly covered with a tied handkerchief and the bruised knuckles of his right hand. "You're hurt because of me."

"Hey," he immediately replied, making her look at him. She looked so sad that it hurt him. "If you won't have me blaming myself, I won't have you blaming yourself either. All right? The only person responsible for all this mess is behind bars right now. Okay? Do you hear me?"

It took a long minute before she nodded. He sighed before pulling her back into an embrace. Only then did he notice that they had an audience that was trying to pretend not to notice them.

Before he could invite her somewhere more private, she beat him to it. "Do you still need to do something here or can you leave now?" she asked, looking bothered by his attempt to patch himself up. She looked relieved when he said the latter. "Okay, let's stop by the clinic first before we go home. We need to clean you up properly before you get yourself an infection."

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