White Star

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Inside the White Star's base, were no one can get through as long as its the king's will then no one can ever get through the barrier.

The silence in the room is so suffocating that no one dared to speak, afraid that what they say will anger ther leader. But everyone is curios why the sudden stop of their plan.

“...weren't we going to attack them my liege?”seyru cautiously asked white star as he took the initiative to ask his liege since no one in the room has the guts to question their leader.

“... Hmmmm let's see ...We can attack them another day." he calmly answered as he walk around his people. In his head, he replayed all the moments that cale henituse had hit him from behind to ruined his plans. But his comrades seem to think differently.

" His definitely mad... Did we do anything wrong " they cautiously whisper as they were so scared to face their liege

" isn't he cute "he gently asked
Everyone flinched as this is the first time their liege spoke so gently in 900 years that they served him.

".... Who my liege... " seyru asked

".... Cale, its unexpected to see him so soon, but he still the same as ever hahaha" He laugh so carefree that it was relaxing to watch but at the same time also terrifying to see a Vicious person show a carefree side more importantly he knows cale? But

"My liege we can't stop our plans for this we were so close in obtaining that ancient power why did you let that Trash stole if from you?!" syru shouted

"Are you questioning my decisions  seyru" with a smile so beautiful, yet giving of an aura that seems to dominate even the most powerful being, an aura that can kill everyone if he wishes to.

"ahh.. Aak ahh Im sorry my liege i dare not question you ahk I'm sorry please forgive me." As seyru struggle to breath while crying

“hmmm It may not look like it... But that ancient power is useless to me let him have it besides I have more than one healing anvient power what's the rush” He continued as he remembered every sly grin, every smug expression on his liege face.

"Besides having cale Henituse die so early is boring"

Feeling oddly satisfied, he ordered his servants to prepare him a relaxing dead-mana bath.

For the first time in a long time, he could taste sweetness on his lips.

"This life may not be so boring after all... This time for sure I will gain what my heart truly desire."

"The bath is ready my liege "

Vincent said, he is one of the trusted subordinate white star ever had aside from seyru. He look at him so intently while he walk passed him to go out the bathroom to prepare for this. Liege clothes.

“How long have you been serving me viny?”

“It has been... 900 years, My Liege. And stop calling me that. ”

“Yes, it’s been a long time, right?”

White star had a small smile on his plastered on his face and said with a tired voice.That Vincent that listen slightly flinched but disregarded his question but  vince that was preparing for his clothes outside the bath stopped and was not moving from his position turned his head with a terrified expression on his face with that second statement

“Then I think this is the right time for you to stop serving me now.”

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