Chapter 1

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Rippleleap curled around her two kits, licking their faces softly as she stroked her tail across their pelts. "Oh they're wonderful, thank you for helping me bring these blessings into the clan Smokeleaf." Rippleleap turned her head to look up at the grey medicine cat, who looked right back down at her with a sweet smile. "It's always such an amazing thing to bring new kits into the clan. They will be strong warriors, Rippleleap." Smokeleaf walked out of the Nursery which led Rippleleap by herself and her kits. "A tom-kit and a she-kit huh. My brave warriors." She drew her tongue across the she-kit's cheek. Doing the same to the she-kit's sibling. "What are you going to name them dear?" Mewed a more deeper voice, their eyes darting to the two kits. "Oh, Barkclaw they're just so precious. Come here and see your kits." Rippleleap replied, Barkclaw sliding in beside her. "Well the she-kit definitely has your pelt." He rumbled a purr, looking to the tom-kit. "Hey, this fella looks a bit like your mother, Sand'Leap." Rippleleap shuddered. "How dare you mention that filthy cats name in the mention of my kits. He shall be named Autumn'Kit, named after his yellow and slight orange gradient of fur." She purred, Barkclaw giving a nod. "A wonderful name." He huffed, giving the she-kit's nose a slight flick with the tip of his tail. "What do you want to name her?" Rippleleap looked at him and smiled.


Rippleleap then laid down to let the kits suckle. Her tail tapping and Barkclaw announcing that he was going for a hunt.

Winterkit opened her eyes as she stay curled up into Rippleleap's fur, her eyes a gradient of pink and blue. She squinted and looked out of the nursery, she could see large blurs of fur. Lots of different colours and sizes. Then she turned her head to look right into Rippleleap's face, she gave a squeak of alarm and stumbled away with stubby legs, she tripped and gave a mewl. Looking at a yellow fluffy shape about the same size of her, Winterkit got up and looked around.

"Look at that, they've already got their eyes open." She smiled, looking at the two kits.

Winterkit turned over to her and mewled, waddling over to them and starting to suckle at their stomach. She was about almost one moon old, but she hadn't seen or figured out how to walk too well yet. Winterkit looked over to the yellow kit she saw before and stared at their green eyes, her tail tapping.

Autumnkit looked right back at them as they both suckled their mother's stomach.

What Winterkit had picked up from this is that they were siblings.

"Winterkit really likes to study things huh? She's been staring at her brother for minutes!" Remarked Glazesight with a purr.

Winterkit looked up at the huge yellow-white she-cat, milk dripping from her whiskers, was she Winterkit? She assumed so, Winterkit gave a mewl and nestled into the huge blue cat's fur. Falling asleep.

"Yeah.." Rippleleap mewed with a slight sadness. "I just wish Barkclaw was here to see it."

Winterkit braced her paws as she jumped on Autumnkit, giving a yowl of triumph as she beat the tom in a play-fight. She was one moon now and new cats had moved in, Glazesight and Foxfire were the names she picked up. She saw Mudsight sometimes too, besides the other tom she didn't know the name of. Currently all the cats she knows is Mudsight, Glazesight, Foxfire, Rippleleap, Autumnkit, Dappledkit, Tansykit and Barkclaw, her mother told her that Barkclaw was her father. Her fur spiked up as the rustle of leaves caught her out of her thoughts. She looked up to see a large blue tom that started to speak.

"How are you two settling into the den, Glazesight, Foxfire?" She had heard this tom before, but when she had opened her eyes Winterkit didn't see him.

Autumnkit sat beside her with Rippleleap's tail brushed around his little body.

The large tom got mewls of reply from the she-cats. "We're settling in fine, Soulstar." Mewed Glazesight, the white and yellow she-cat giving a friendly nod.

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