Moon stuck with a weird accent

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Ever wonder how disturbing Moon if she had a thick weird accent? Welp Let's find out

Warning you might struggle to read this

Moon strode along the new academy hallways. They look much complex and attractive than the usual plain white walls of the old one. Don't tell the others but Moon loved arts as in the in-depth study and abstract art which most people wouldn't understand or grasp. Entering the main lounge area was Khai... with a new invention? Moon wondered what it does. Wouldn't hurt trying to mess around with.

"Hey Khai you sure this green light is supposed to light up now?"

Moon heard Ali asking as she saw the short member of their batch examining the rather large invention. She increases her walking pace towards the two Teknos.

"No, we're supposed to-AHH."

Then a laser beam hits Moon directly which she winced and yelp due to shock. She felt odd but not necessarily hurt.

"Oh sorry Moon! You okey??" Khai asked frantically. He rushed to the Inviso girl.

"I dinnae, I feou'l jooz feine." Moon slapped her mouth shut with her hands.

"What?" Khai raised an eyebrow, not understanding a word Moon had said.

Ali came to check on two

"Ali, Khai cannae graesp whit' I jooz 'aid!" Moon spoke only to confuse the two Teknos further.

"Guuddimt! I'm stuuk wi' tis be dam'in accenn'!" Moon yelled.

The other academy students came to see what the fuss was about followed by the mentors. Everyone was having a difficult time understanding what Moon was saying. Poor girl.

"I bee' repett'in tis! I wun' tae be back tae normal!" Moon exclaimed, visibly frustrated from her tone and expression.

"Khai get that machine fixed up before someone else starts speaking thick accents. I don't want to deal with Bakar speaking Nordic." Leon said sternly, his face shows it.

"Yes sir!" so Ali, Khai, Bulat, Kim and Geetha went to fix the machine.

"Why Bakar specifically?"

"I have been given a mental image of Bakar in viking armor and a thick beard-stache. It scares me." Leon mumbled to Karya, the cool inviso shivered by the thought as well.

"Nuu! Ye wee' bastart Ah swear Ah'll cut ye up lik' unions!" Moon screamed at Sam who did nothing to earn the cusses from Moon. He was simply admiring himself in the his hand-mirror.

The Tekno agents gathered around the now malfunctioned machine....Geetha was curious what was the original purpose. Although she has a guess what. Ali and Kim opened up the panels while Khai tried to restart the machine.

"Khai, what was this machine supposed to do?" She asked calmly so not to frighten the panicking boy with glasses.

"It's intended goal was to imprint or to add a whole new language dictionary into one's brain so they can understand AND speak the language. It can also make the person speak the accent of the language like Moon did but...not making the subject stuck in that accent." Khai gave a lengthy explanation and scratch the back of his head sheepishly in the ending part.

Geetha chuckled softly. It's quite funny but she nodded understanding her student's reason in creating suck unique device.

"I assume this is for future missions that might involve international scenarios?" She asked, getting a vigorous nod from Khai.

"Umm so what we do now? Kim inquired. Ali peeking from behind her, same question in mind.

Geetha told them to try and rebuild it but with her help. The last thing she needs is four Teknos covered in bandages from burns of an exploding machine.

Back with Moon. Unfortunately, she still struggled to communicate with her comrades and friends.

"We REALLY can't understand what you're trying to say." Chris sighed, he's having a headache, Moon's thick accent twisted his brain.

"Fo' Guud's sake' Ah woz' walk'n in'tae the academy 'en 'bam' ae fuukin' lase' shot me 'n naw got tis fuukin' accen'!" Moon exclaimed, anger radiating her fueled by frustration.

The young agents couldn't comprehend what she said.

At the end of the day the machine was fixed and Moon was back to normal tho someone did audios of her cussing and swearing in the accent she stucked with.

I have no idea what I just wrote but it finally got out of my system so...bye!

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