The Thick And Thin (🛑TW)

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Ammika POV

After Sejin and Bang left I began to clean up the mess from dinner. I knew it was only minutes away, but I was completely prepared for David to want to talk shop.

David hums: I don't know about you but I think that went pretty well. They seem to understand your vision and they like where you're coming from but I think they're apprehensive about hiring you.

I sigh: Yeah, I agree I think the apprehensiveness comes from first and foremost me being a single mother, emphasis on the single part. Also, I think they're also unsure because they're not used to a woman they don't know coming in and having so much power on one project.

David rises to help me with the dishes as his face frowns darkly.

David pouts: I want you to know how excited I am for you for this opportunity. It's just that as much of a good vibe as I have from this I have this weird vibe, too. It makes me nervous and a nervous me is never a good me!

I can't help but to scoff and giggle shaking my head.

I snort: Babe, you're not telling me anything I don't know already!

Lili pops her head in: Mama, can I watch a movie after I take a bath I already finished all my homework?

I'm at my head and go to shoo her along before she catches my attention by saying something.

Lili smiles: Mama, I know everybody is nervous about this including the Big Hit people, but I know you can do this. And when the project's done it'll be the best project anyone has ever seen, I just know it!

She didn't even wait for my reply and scampers off. Six moments like these that remind me of why she's so incredibly perfect. I mean I know no kid or person or anything is perfect because there's no such thing... But if there was my daughter's great big heart and open mind would make her perfect.

David smiles softly at her retreating back. Mumbling to himself and patting himself on the back on what a great niece has and it's all due to him and his fabulous parenting skills.

I can't bring myself to do anything but shake my head and laugh and scoff at his theatrics. To some extent he's right though; it wasn't for him I'd've pulled out all my hair long ago.

It's only been a short period of time and David and I have mostly finished the dishes he drives while I wash.

That's when I hear it, the unhappiness of my hungry son. David chuckles and says he'll finish with the dishes so that I feed my son. I think so quickly and hurry off to a very very unhappy baby.

I quickly change his diaper and get him into comfy jammies. I snuggle back onto the couch and place my son at my breast and nurse.

Wasting no time, he begins chugging down his dinner. I hum softly to him to help him relax while he nurses.

Lili plops on the chair right by me and she snorts at her brother with her nearly silent laughter.

Lili giggles: Mama, did you see? My baby brother is trying to turn into a piglet!

David sits in the other corner of he couch tucking his feet underneath him. I thank him for the drink and the snack he brought me to have while I nurse. He naturally waves off my thanks as if its nothing.

David hums: A piglet, huh? Well I hate to bust to take a kiddo but my nephew isn't starting nearly as much as you are are you sure you're not trying to turn into the piglet?

My daughter's lips tug a hint of a sinister smile, it pricks the corner of her cheek. She's slowly begins to turn her body toward me taking on an aura of innocence.

Lili looks suddenly concerned: Mama, I'm really worried, like really really worried.

I tilt my head finding this moment odd. I can't but to show my little girl that I'm concerned over her worries. I urger her to talk freely to me. David is looking at her with mountain suspicion growing his eyes.

Lili sniffs sadly: Mama, it's terrible I'm truly worried...[David/I are now really concerned]. Mama, I don't have to say this but...

I find myself holding my breath without even thinking about it not knowing what's going to come next...

Lili sniffs wetly: I-I-I th-think U-uncle D-Da-David i-is g-going...BALD.

So silence the hills the room is completely shocking.

I dance frantically between my daughter and David... This is about to go down.

Lili, it would appear has come to the same realization that I just did. How can I possibly know this? By the fact that she just revolted over her chair and is running away squealing horrific laughter.

David Wilson county jumping up yelling indignations and then chasing after her after stumbling.

My daughter can't help but to cackle and warn him to not break a hip because it his age finding a replacement could be difficult and it wouldn't go well with his balding spot.

I look down at my son and raise an eyebrow. After asking him to make sure he knows that his family is crazy he does the funniest thing... He racism eyebrow in grants back at me as if to say, "mother I always knew".

We can still hear the terror that runs around behind us in the hotel room. I asked my only docile child at this moment what he would like to listen to while he nurses. I come across our favorite food channels that we watch make amazing meals and ask if he's interested.

This cute smiling face is my answer.

Just as I lift the remote to adjust the channel my phone goes off.


Bang Pd: Hello, I hope I'm reaching you at a good time, the contacting to see about a meeting tomorrow... I would be bringing a guest with me that you'll be working with; if we all decide to move forward with the project. Does this sound okay?

**I wonder who the guest is going to be stay tuned to find out and comment below on who you think it might be and why? 4 days until the next chapter please stay tuned!!!!**

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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