29. YOU & ME

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For the first time she wanted to forget about it all. The hardships she had in her life, how she was just living each day just for her father's sake, for finding the truth. Now, all she wants is to be by Jisoo's side, walk hand in hand with her without any fear.

All she wants is to love and to be loved.

"I like you too Mandu" Jisoo's soft voice made her come back to reality.

"I - Jisoo, you, how me?" Jennie was confused. Suddenly Jisoo holds her by the waist and roll over her.

"I prefer to be on the top" Jisoo smirked.

Jennie blushed still couldn't believe what's happening.

How much Jisoo wanted to tell the younger that she didn't like her, she loved her. But thought it will be inappropriate so sticked to the word 'like'.

"Jennie, I really like you. The moment I first laid my eyes on you the first word that came out was 'beautiful'. You are the most beautiful women I have ever see in my life. Now , that I know you personally also I can say you are beautiful inside-out. Please give me a chance Jennie I will heal you with all my love, I want you to forget about all the worst things you have experienced, I want you to be happy. I want you to be mine."

Jennie got emotional listening to the words Jisoo said her eyes became teary but before a tear could fell from her eye Jisoo kissed her on the forehead.

"They say all girls look pretty when they cry." Jisoo giggles, ruffling Jennie's hair, "But I guess they are wrong."

"What? "Jennie glared at her cutely.

"You're more than pretty."

In the midst of having her heart wrenching at the sweet confession, Jisoo still managed to make her heart skip a bit.

"Shut up."

Jisoo laughed and hugged Jennie tightly.

"Thank you, Jisoo. I really don't know what good deeds I did that I got you" Jennie had her arms around Jisoo's neck and her palm caressing Jennie's cheeks.

Jisoo smiled at her and couldn't help but her eyes landing on Jennie's plump red lips. Jennie noticed it and pursed her lips.

"Are you teasing me Mandu?" Jisoo asked. After all the emotional thing, they were back to being playful. Just how Jisoo wanted as she didn't want to make Jennie cry.

"Nope" Jennie said suddenly acting all innocent and then glanced at Jisoo's heart shaped lips and blushed.

"Can I kiss you, Jennie?" Jisoo asked out of nowhere in a soft voice.

"You already did" came Jennie's reply

"It was just a peck; I mean as in a proper kiss"

"You may" These were the only words Jisoo wanted as she leaned and met Jennie's lips. Their lips touched softly, they both closed their eyes and Jennie bent slightly to the other side to give Jisoo more access. Jisoo smiled into the kiss. They both parted when they lacked oxygen.

But it was quick when Jennie pushed Jisoo again to herself and they kissed fiercely. Jisoo softly caressed Jennie's lower lip with her tongue to let her in. With a moan Jennie's lips parted and her tongue was met with Jisoo's. Jisoo's skilled hand made it to Jennie's third button to unbutton it revealing Jennie's black bra and then to the fourth but before she could -

"Tringgggggg" Jisoo's phone rang. And they part away again with a jolt. Jennie's breathing was fast and so was Jisoo's. Jisoo blushed seeing Jennie and got off from top of her to reach her coat. Jennie buttoned up her shirt as if it wasn't a phone call but an actual person who disturbed them.

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