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'Sometimes when I say 'I'm okay' I want someone to look me in the eyes , hug me tight and say 'I know you're not'

It was 6 AM in the morning. Clear light blue sky and cold fresh air brewing in the atmosphere. The sun hasn't dawned yet. Jennie woke up when there was a ring at the doorstep.

The hell? Who is it so early in the morning. She groaned. But soon smiled when she saw Jisoo's serene face and her posture , still lying on top of Jisoo and the CEO hugging her by the waist. She tried to stand up but Jisoo's grip was really tight as if Jennie would vanish in the air if she loosened even a little bit.

"Jisoo" She repeated.

"Hmm" came the CEO's deep voice. Damn!! Her voice.

Jisoo just snuggled closer to Jennie.

"Wake up Jisoo! " Jennie said trying to wake up the sleepy Jisoo when she was in half asleep self on her own.

"Aniya" Jisoo mumbled still feeling sleepy.

"OK. But atleast let me go , someone's at the door"

"Then go..Who's stopping you?" Jisoo said her eyes still closed and her words coming in slow moments as she was too tired to talk like a normal human this early in the morning.

"You" Jennie said as she softly patted Jisoo's arm that was hugging her. Jisoo's eyes opened with a jolt , she blushed and quickly let Jennie free from her soft arm lock.

Jennie stood up from the couch and felt slightly sad as she missed the warmth immediately .

"Sorry" Jisoo mumbled as she covered her face with the comforter shyly and tried to get her precious sleep back.

Jennie smiled of how cute Jisoo was being and then tying her hair up in a messy bun and fixing her clothes a little , she moved towards the entrance of her apartment and opened the door.

"I'll be back Jisoo" She shouted as she quickly moved out and slammed the door shut.

Jennie's POV

I walked to the door.

To my surprise, there was noone at the door. Who the hell pranks someone at 6 in the morning!?

I was about to shut the door but my eyes landed on the ground. It was the envelope. Again.


I am still not done digesting the things the old man said to me yesterday and now this shit again. After the whole incident last night , a weird thought came in my mind. What if this Red Envelope and My father's death have something to do in connection?

Earlier I used to ignore all these but this time I picked up the envelope. I was about to open it when I felt a weird feeling in the atmosphere.

As if someone was watching me.

I looked around and my eyes landed on a man wearing a black hoodie and cap. As soon as our eyes made contact , he started running away. This was the cue , he was the one behind all this.

"I'll be back Jisoo" I shouted before slamming the door shut. And I started to run behind him as fast as possible.

He ran to the lift and I was about to come in between but the lift closed already. I could see the smile he had on his face and I swear it was the creepiest smile I had ever seen in my life.

I ran to the stairs climbing down. Skipping some steps as I jumped down the railing of the first floor. My feet met the ground but I soon lost balance as I missed one step.

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