Preparing for the Party

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We left the store with bags full of decorations for Adrien's surprise party that somehow we managed to get his father to agree to the party at all. Adrien has been a model for his fathers company for years, he lives with him in a mansion in the middle of Paris. His mother passed away 3 years ago and since then, Adrien has only been allowed out of the house for photoshoots and school which he still had to go straight home after school.. no after school activities with his friends were allowed. Things have been changing though as Adrien is older now, he has less restrictions, like this party!

"We're still throwing the party at the park, right?"
I asked Alya as we were walking over to my house.
"Yep, it's the only place he can go without his father throwing a fit"
I laughed and we entered the bakery. We walked past my mum and dad.
"Hey sweetheart, where have you been?"
Mum asked.
I showed her the bag of decorations and said,
"Just been shopping for Adriens party!"
I could see my dad behind the counter decorating the cake 2 tier white birthday cake. Alya went upstairs to my bedroom and I said
"looks great, dad!" As I was leaving.

I entered my bedroom and tikki flew out of my purse over to the other kwamis. Kwamis are magical creatures that give us superheroes the ability to transform into our heroes. Tikki is my kwami, the kwami of creation.
Alya knows my identity, I had told her when I first became the guardian of the miraculous at 14 years old. Some of the kwamis flew toward me and hugged my with their tiny arms.
"Ok hello hello, me and Alya have work to do anyone wanna help?" I asked the kwamis and they stopped circling me.
They all immediately got excited and their faces lit up, a few of them started to take some decorations out of the bags, making a complete mess on my bedroom floor.

I finished playing the piano and stood up, I had this weird feeling of disappointment. This feeling occurred a lot. Plagg, my kwami, flew towards the pile of rotten cheese on my desk.
"Finally your done!" He said with his raspy but adorable voice.
I took my phone out of my pocket and turned on a playlist. I placed my phone on the piano. I did this to distract the bodyguard outside of my door into thinking that I was practicing piano so I could transform and leave out of my bedroom window.
"Plagg, claws out!" I transformed into a perfect black leather suit with a golden bell on my chest and leather cat ears on my head.

I used my extending stick to lift myself onto the Eiffel Tower. I come here when I want to escape the cruel world. I lay down on my back and looked at the blue, cloud- filled sky. I sighed, I couldn't help but wonder what my life would be like the day I find my own place to live. Would I be free from my dad? Or would my dad still be in control over me? Would I be happy? Would I be with my lady.?

I stood up and looked over the edge and observed Paris. Wow, it's so beautiful. I wonder what it's like to be free like most of the people of Paris. I hate feeling trapped by my father but he's done so much for me and he still hasn't moved on from mother.
Nothing has been the same since mother passed.
I  then looked at the sky "I miss you so much."

I checked my cat phone which is inside of my stick.
I was surprised to see that it was already 2 pm. My father wanted me to do a photoshoot on the park in 20 minutes. I panicked and went back home.

Some of the guests had finished setting up the party by the time me and Alya made it to the park. The whole park was beautifully decorated with an assortment of pink, green and orange balloons, twinkling blue fairy lights across the whole setting. There were at least 6 round tables scattered throughout the park which had smooth pale green tablecloths, plates with cutlery next to them and glass vases with orange roses inside them.
On the left of the park there was a DJ booth where Nino was setting up all of his equipment.

I ran over to mylene, Ivan, rose, Juleka and Luka.
"Guys this looks amazing!"
They all smiled and thanked me. I then gave them the rest of the decorations which me and Alya had made. I ran over to my dad who had just arrived with the giant cake and helped him hold it up.
"Marinette you need to help me, we all know how clumsy you are" he said laughing.
I laughed with him but still helped keep it steady as I didn't want anything to ruin this party, especially the cake. Adrien deserves all of this, I know how tough it's been for him and I want to make it up to him and show him that we all care about him so much.

You might be wondering, no I'm not in love with Adrien anymore. They're certainly some feelings but they are not strong enough for me to get all flustered around him anymore. I have my boyfriend, luka. We have been together for a year on Wednesday.

10 minutes went by and we could see Adriens car driving towards the park. We all hid behind some tables and waited.

my bodyguard  was driving me over to the park for the interview but as we got closer I saw some lights and what looked like some kind of party.
"Are you sure this is where the photoshoot is? Looks like someone is having a party." I asked the driver.
I looked outside of the window and the park appeared to be empty. Maybe it was the setting for the photoshoot? That must be it.
I got out of the car and headed towards the entrance.

Suddenly, loads of my friends jumped out from behind the tables which had my favourite flower on each one.
"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled.
I was startled. I immediately smiled and looked around at all of my friends. I could see how much they all cared about me and it made my day.

Is it love?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin