A/N | The Take Over, The Breaks Over

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yyyyyyyyyyyyeah let me explain the title. I honestly just don't know what's happening right now. You could probably tell by the mess that is my profile and this title that Panic! At The Disco and emo bands (mostly the Trinity/Quadrat considering...just look at the title) are taking over and consuming my life.

As the title states, I will try to BREAK out of this break-like period, but I can't promise anything since shit's goin' down on Wednesday.

Sugar, We're Going Do--

ALSO ALSO some of you please help me and tell me if I should make another book relating to, well, the above. I wanna but I'm unsure if I should. Please give me a good answer an "It's up to you!" won't help even if I'm thankful that you took the time to comment.

anyways pls request stuff pretend I'm doing my other requests hahahhahahHAHAHHAHAAAHAHHA

im deadass not gonna bother to double check anything here its 11:33 in the aftern- at fucking night and im suffering rn all i wanna do right now is go back to shatterning my e ars this is the least professional any of you have ever seen me be kms pls listen  to the song in the title p!atd n fob world takeover ok thank u

-The Regular Decorated Emergency.

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