Waiting for Gavin - Better Together

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"I can manage!" Gavin insisted with a pained hiss as he reached up into the cupboard above the sink. Tiny screeched and chittered his objection as he scrambled up onto the kitchen counter and stood at his full height of around two feet. His tail whipped out to loop around Gavin's wrist, tugging his arm down from where he was trying to grab the boxed tea leaves. "Hey! Come on, if I can't even make a pot of tea, then what good am I?" Gavin groused as he tried to pull his hand free. He paused with a wince. Everything fucking ached! The bullet wound. His insides. His muscles. He was sick of hobbling around like an invalid. He'd never had such a persistent wound before. I've never been in a phcking coma before, either. Phck, that was rough!

He massaged the bridge of his nose with his free hand, pinching his eyes shut in frustration. He sighed as Tiny clicked and chittered softly, glancing down as small claws cradled his hand. Tiny was looking up with big, luminous eyes, almost pouting at his sour mood. I know-I know...You're not useless. You just need to get better. It was the mantra Chloe and Elijah had been repeating throughout his recovery when they visited. He'd been allowed out of the hospital with strict instructions to take it easy, keep up his exercises, and let them know immediately if anything felt wrong. It's wrong that I can't even reach into a phcking cupboard!

"Thanks..." he grumbled, huffing in amusement as Tiny stood on tiptoe, trying to reach the cupboard shelves. His claws could hook over the rim of the bottom shelf, but there was no way for him to reach anything inside with his small hands. Luckily, he had another option. Gavin watched as Tiny's tail unfurled, releasing his wrist so that he could reach up into the cupboard. His tail wasn't quite long enough to wrap around the box, but it was long enough to knock it down. As the box fell, Tiny released the shelf and opened his arms, ready for the box to drop against his chest. He chittered, happy in his victory as he fell back clutching the box. "Guess I can do something..." Gavin huffed as he stepped in to catch Tiny's small body against his chest.

Tiny chittered his agreement as he looked up into Gavin's tired green eyes. He'd woken up early due to the pain, but it wasn't the right time to take his medication. The pain was bad enough to keep him awake, but not so bad that he couldn't move around. Unable to sleep, he'd pulled a dark dressing gown over his sweatpants and T-shirt and made his way down to the kitchen. His hair was all mussed and out of place, loose strands brushing his eyebrows. He hadn't been for a haircut yet, though he had trimmed back his stubble the night before. It was back to feeling rough and prickly. Just how Tiny liked it. Gavin huffed again as he helped Tiny to right himself and ruffled his dark locks.

Tiny pattered along beside him as Gavin grabbed the sleek black kettle and filled it with water. His hand shook a little under the weight as he shuffled back to the workspace and set it to boil. Tiny helped by dragging over the teapot and lifting the lid, ready for him to spoon some leaves into the strainer. He tried not to click in concern as he noticed the way Gavin's hands shook as he opened the box and spooned out the leaves. He wasn't sure if he was shaking from the strain or the pain. Gavin's jaw remained tight as he worked. He was especially careful when the time came to pour out the water. It would be a small victory if the water went into the pot without spilling.

"Gavin! What on Earth are you doing?" Chloe's voice sounded from the doorway. Tiny peered over Gavin's shoulders as she hurried over. She was barely out of bed. Her hair had been tied over one shoulder with a pale blue ribbon, which matched the light silk nightdress and long gown she was wearing. As was usual for Chloe, she was barefoot as she padded silently across the white tiles. She seemed concerned as she drew level and rested her hand on Gavin's shoulder. Tiny chittered in greeting as he nudged the ceramic teapot. "You should have called me! I would have come down," she insisted in a slightly chiding tone.

"You shouldn't have to! I can at least make myself a cup of tea!" Gavin insisted in a withering tone as he reached out to grab the kettle. Tiny clicked warily as he lifted it with a shaking hand, and was quietly relieved when he set it down again with a frustrated sigh. He didn't want to risk burning himself or splashing Tiny. Chloe was quietly sympathetic as she reached across and took the kettle. She didn't say a word as she poured hot water into the waiting pot and crossed to get the milk from the fridge. She readied a second cup for Elijah before offering the milk to Gavin, who shook his head. He liked his tea black.

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