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Family is a strong word, right?
It's the word you use when you feel safe in a home, or with the people you love.

Do you ever miss someone so much that you'd kill to get them back? That's how I feel about my cousin. He's not blood related, but he's the first person to ever make me feel safe and loved. But he's gone now, stupid fucking people. Their stupid dad. I'm afraid he will forget about me. I don't want to be forgotten. Damn it. A few more years and I'll probably forget. I don't want to forget. It's only been a few months. I can't imagine years.. I want to wake up and see everyone I love right here, but I'm not stupid, I know that's never going to happen.

The last time I talked to my cousin, they said they were happy, I really hope that's still the case. I miss my cousin. I miss my best friend.

It stings sometimes

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