1.7K 89 29

Warnings: Angst, questionable decisions, angst

Words: 2516 words

A/N: Let me tell you something 😭 let me tell you something 😭 (me @ everyone coming for me for not updating in months). I was sick, and school and work took over. Thank you so much to all the people who didn't give up on this silly little story and kept wondering when I was gonna update. Initially, this chapter was almost 5k words, so I cut it in two. I hope you like them. As usual, I support women's rights, but most importantly, women's wrongs 🤠


No words can describe how thankful I am for Xavier and Kelsey, because I have no idea how I would've made it back home without them. The cab dropped us off at my hotel where the two of them proceeded to quickly pack all my possessions. Thankfully I had done most of the packing before leaving. We stopped at their hotels to collect their belongings and went to the airport. We luckily were able to buy some last-minute tickets to New York, and in my spaced-out state, time flew, and soon enough I was stepping into my apartment.

Once I was alone, it hit me that things had now changed. There was no coming back from this trip, and this job that I prayed for was becoming more of an inconvenience than anything else. How could I face Scarlett when the thought of her filled me with so much anger and sadness? I wouldn't be able to look at her, and I honestly didn't want to so much as be in the same building as her. Although, the way I had just left a work trip without so much as a notice was sure to get me fired. Scarlett had no doubt called Kate and Lily by now to tell them of my behaviour. Luckily it was Friday, which means I had the weekend to prepare to face the consequences of my actions. With a sigh, I grabbed my laptop and sent an email before getting under the covers. I couldn't help but hate myself for the tears that I cried over someone that so clearly didn't care about me.


I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as marketing intern at The Outset. I am grateful for the opportunities of professional development that you have provided during my time with the company. I will make sure to close any projects that I have been entrusted with. If I can help in any way during this transition process, please let me know.


Y/n Y/l/n


Monday came quicker than I wanted it to. I got ready for what would be my last day and left my place earlier than I normally would, since I had a meeting with Kate regarding the email that I had sent.

As I entered the building, I couldn't help but think back to the first time I had come here. The feeling of hope and excitement was no longer there, in their place you could find sadness and doubt. Although the glass windows still allowed for the sun to filter in, the building seemed dull.

I made my way toward Kate's office with a heavy heart and knocked at the door. Through the glass door, I saw her look up and look at me before waving at me to come in.

"Y/n, please have a seat," she said as she got up to meet me in the seating area where she sat across from me. "I'll cut to the chase. Did something happen during the trip? Should HR get involved?" she asked worriedly, and I smiled for the first time in days. During my time here, I created a great relationship with Kate.

"No, it's nothing like that. I will say though, that the trip put some things in perspective for me. I just don't think I can overcome them to continue working here." I looked down at my hands to avoid her piercing gaze, it was like she knew. But how could she?

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