One Joyous Rival

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fyi: i don't proofread a lot of stuff so it there are any mistakes, then whoooops. also the ending is kinda bad, but i didn't have any ideas :/ still, i hope you enjoy, reader!

It' d be no surprise if I said that the trainer had no trouble sweeping through Route 8 and 7, as they had a severely overleveled team from the sheer panic of Misty and Lt. Surge's gym being back-to-back.

Even when the Super Nerd showcased his full team of Electric types, the trainer shattered him like he was a a fragile masterpiece of porcelain glass, and the trainer was a hammer set on fire.

His Charizard was a powerhouse, sweeping through everything in it's way.

The trainer forgot to pop a repel, so they were getting buried alive in wild Pokemon, and all they did was run from them since the little things were total setbacks, bothers.  So, when the trainer arrived to Celadon, only to learn Red had absolutely demolished Team Rocket by the time the trainer had just arrived through the pestilence of Pokemon, they weren't too shocked.

In front the Celadon Game Corner, where the trainer and Red met up, Red offered the Silph Scope to the trainer. When asked why, he didn't respond, but his jaw twitched slightly. He looked down, tangling his hands into fists, seeming embarrassed by the simple question.

"... ... ... ..."

The trainer took the hint, inferring that he was scared half to death by the Pokemon Tower and did not want to see ghosts in 1080p. The trainer didn't always get to see Red afraid, but it wasn't a novel experience either. Maybe a little humorous, though.

The trainer nodded."Sure, I'll take it," letting Red lend them the Silph Scope, Red then adjusting his cap and waving the trainer a friendly goodbye. The trainer waved back, before Red left, probably to take on the Celadon Gym. Red had always been embedded with ambition and this trait alone drove him a long way, but the trainer couldn't help but wonder where his inspiration originated from.

The trainer had gotten too into their head, so when they finally got out, there were a few passer-byers staring at the trainer. The trainer tensed and got themselves out of there, setting their sights back to Lavender Town, through the tall grass which, as usual, had minuscule drops of dew or rain clung to it.

It, of course, didn't take a long time for the trainer to get back to Lavender Town. The atmosphere of Lavender Town would be juxtaposed if set next to, say, Celadon or Pallet Town, as it is unmatched in the unfamiliar chill even the strongest trainer would receive when arriving to this place.
Of course, the trainer would get no different treatment, just a few nips of a novel cold.
The trainer, unbothered, took out the Silph Scope. It looked like a pair of binoculars, the lenses with a golden brim and blues inside, and a third lense sat between the two parallel lenses, the inside being crimson instead of cobalt. The Silph Scope looked heavily complicated, but it did draw in the trainer's attention.
The trainer made their way back to the Pokemon Tower, ready to take on the ghosts.
But of course, past the clumps of people on the base floor (the trainer couldn't help but wonder why they just sat there, they never seemed to move..) and to the misty floor once more!
Before they could even move, an encounter ensued. After sending Blastoose out, the trainer fumbled with the Silph Scope, running it between their knucles and pressing it smack dab against their face, peering through it. They had encountered a Gastly!
The Gastly, however, had its purple gas particles in wisps or tufts, symbolizing hair, and it's upturned eyes looked much more tender than the regular Gastly. The trainer thought a Gastly would be a great addition to the team, so, with a good amount of faith, they took out a Great Ball, held it up to their face with one hand clasping it and mumbled into it, "Please work," before throwing it at the Gastly.
The Gastly got locked in the Greatball.

One shake.

The trainer couldn't tear their gaze away. Would it work?

Two shakes.

Even their Blastoise felt the anticipation of watching the Great Ball, the trainer kept their eyes on it as the worry started to build up.

Three shakes.

All right!
The trainer had successfully caught a Gastly!
The trainer, who had been holding their breath throughout the panicked catching session, heaved a big ol' sigh of relief. They set the Silph Scope in the bag and whipped out their Pokèdex, watching the Gastly pop onto the little screen.
The trainer watched the entry get added. They blinked, realizing the Pokèdex hadn't asked if they wanted to nickname it. "..Whatever." They shrugged, nonchalant. The Gastly had been added to their party, as they had two slots left beforehand, so the trainer decided to open their party up on the Pokèdex. 
When they checked their party, something they saw piqued their interest.
The Gastly had a nickname already?
The nickname read 'Mike', which was an.. Average name. Weird. It was probably nothing, although it did make the trainer feel a little uneasy. Curious, too. They checked it's nature, the nature being Naive. The trainer clicked a few buttons to look up the nature. +SPEED, -SPECIALDEFENSE
Well, it'll do, because the trainer's gotten themselves a Mike!

Which, ehe, also means they might have gotten themselves into a bit of trouble.

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