Danny Johnson Oneshot

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You listened as Danny talked on and on about his day. It was 4 in the morning but he seemed to be restless. Your head began to bob when he shouted. "Ahhhhhhh haha, then I knocked em down!" You sighed and laid back and he tilted his head. "Mama's you good?" He heard you snoring and smiled to himself. "Oh.. I didn't mean to keep you up." He laid next to you and admired your sleeping face. He kissed your temple and got up.

You woke up the next morning and noticed a plate on your nightstand. It was chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream. You smiled and noticed a note and picked it up. "Sorry for keeping you up baby. Hope this makes up for it<3 xoxo your favorite ghost, Danny." You giggled to yourself and took a bite. My dorky ghost

Dead by Daylight  Oneshots/PreferencesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ