Nicknames for you (Hunters)

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Ji-Woon Hak: His "Melody", babe, baby, darling

Danny Johnson: Mama's, sexy, his "perfect model"

Albert Wesker: little mouse, darling

Michael Myers: He actually prefers your name. Doesn't really get the whole nick name thing

Bubba Sawyer: He'll mumble things like "cutie" so you assume that's what he likes to call you.

Frank: Depends on his mood. He can be such a sweet heart and call you heart melting names. Then there is his asshole mood where he refers to you as,"bitch."

Huntress: Her Little Mouse, curious thing, bunny

Herman Carter: Dear, Darling, Babe and Baby (only when it's just you two)

Pyramid Head: Can't speak but when he talks to you using a notepad he calls you buttercup.

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