Chapter 2

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Izuku's POV

I started walking back to the IA dorms but everything was spinning and the nausea just wouldn't go away. I've already thrown up in the bushes twice now. I started looking for a place and could sit down and take a breather. Maybe I could call Kacchan to come pick me up, but why bother, not like he wanted to be seen in public with me. I hated it, I didn't want it to be a secret.

I knew there was no way I was going to make it back to UA in the state I was in. I needed help, so I found a nearby bus stop and sat down. I pulled out my phone without looking at the notifications and pulled up my contacts and hit the call button.

Yelling burst through the phone as he held it alway from his ear. "Fuck Deku, I been waiting for you call me for hours! Did you not see my texts!"

"K-Kacchan..." I barely was able to speak. My throat hurt so much from all the throwing up. I coughed trying to help clear my throat but that only made the pain worse.

"Izu, what's wrong" his voice had dropped all the anger it had in it before, now it was sold and full of concern.

"Come, I need help" I croaked out and then sent him my location. I brought my knees to my chest and closed my eyes hoping that the spinning would stop. I didn't even realize I didn't hang up the phone, nor did I notice Kacchan yelling at me through the phone. A headache had started pounding through my head flooding my ear with the sound of my heart beat.

Katsuki POV

"Oi, Deku! Answer me! What's going on!" I got no answer one the line but I did hear a whimper of pain. "Fucking nerd alway getting himself in some sort of trouble." I cursed under my breath as I made the way as humanly possible to the location he sent me.

When I got to the location he sent me, I found an empty parking lot with on one around.  I panic and start yelling.g "Oi Deku where are you! This better not be some sick joke or I'll explode your ass!" Just then I noticed someone curled up in a ball on the bus bench.

I walked over to the bench to see it was Deku. "Come one need enough of this game!" I yelled. He didn't respond. "Izuku?" I touch his shoulder and still no response, what the hell. I start shaking him, "Deku wake up!" This time he responds but it's just a groan of pain. "Izuku, answer me, what's wrong?"

"H-hurts..." he moans, trying to curl deeper into himself. "D-dizzy.." he says, his voice sounding raspy. "Izu," I say, "I'm going to help you stand up okay. Try to help me, okay?" He hums in in response and I stand him up and he immediately leans into my body, resting his head on my chest. I could feel the heat coming off of him through my shirt. "Damn nerd, you're burning up!" He winces when I yelled burying his head deeper into my chest. At this point I pick him up and get him situated on my back and start carrying him back to the dorms.

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