Issue #11: The Sports Festival Part 1: The Obstacle Race

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The screens of the stadium turned on and Present Mic appeared on the jumbotron. "HEYYYYYY! Make some noise, all you rabid sports fans! Get those cameras prepped, media hordes! This year, we're bringing you some of the hottest performances in U.A.'s festival history, guaranteed! I've only got one question before we start this show: ARE YOU READY?!" He yelled as the crowd cheered. Sitting next to him was Aizawa, who was still covered in bandages as he still wasn't healed. "Let me hear ya scream as our students make their way to the main stage!"

At her home, Inko was watching the event on her TV, as the screen was showing one of the tunnels of the arena. She was recording the games in high resolution but wanted to see it at the moment. "C'mon, Wade!" She shouted with anticipation. Inko was worried about Wade's safety but knew that he was going to give it his all.

In the teacher's box of the arena, All Might in his deflated form watched the game. Waiting eagerly for Wade to introduce himself to the world.

The commercials for the event were over and they were back on the air. "IT'S THE U.A.'S SPORTS FESTIVAL! The one time each year when out fledging Heroes compete in a ruthless grand battle! First up, you know who I'm talking about! The miraculous rising stars who brushed off a villain attack with their steely willpower! The first-years of the Hero Course! IT'S CLASS 1-A!"

At that moment, Wade and the rest of his classmates came out of the tunnel. The crowd erupted in thunderous cheers and applause.

Wade looked around at the crowd and couldn't help but feel a little nervous. "Talk about a nice crowd..."

"I hope we're still able to give our best performances, even though all these eyes are watching us." Iida said as he looked around the audience of the games. "I suppose it's just another aspect of being a Hero we all have to learn to get used to."

"Present Mic sure did talk us up a lot." Kirishima said as walked behind Bakugo. The blonde was silent with his eyes shadowed over by his hair. "Kinda makes me nervous. How you feelin', man?"

Bakugo lifted his head up, revealing his face had formed a deranged grin. "I'm not worried. Makes me wanna win this thing even more."

As he looked around, Wade then noticed that the other classes were starting to come out. "They haven't been getting nearly as much screentime, but this next group is still chock full of talent! Welcome, Hero Course Class 1-B!" Present Mic announced as Class 1-B entered the arena through their tunnel. All of the other freshmen classes come out through the other tunnels. Although as they were announced, they didn't get the same reaction for the crowd as the Hero Course classes. "Next up, General Studies Classes C, D, and E! Support Course Classes F, G, and H are here, too! And Business Course, Classes I, J, and K! ALL OF U.A.'S FIRST YEARS ARE HERE NOW!"

The classes gathered in the middle of the stage. While the General Studies students weren't too excited about being in the games-many believing that they're only there to make the Heroes-in-training look good-everyone else was anticipating for the games to start.

The cracking of a whip got everyone's attention. "Now, for the entirety of the speech!" Said the umpire of this year's Sports Festival for the Freshmen, the R-Rated Hero: Midnight.

Almost all of the men in the stadium's seats blushed instantly as Midnight flicked her hair with a smile. Wade stared at her, flustered as the other male students. But as he looked at the sexy woman, he couldn't help but think that she looked so oddly familiar.

"Uh, someone should talk to Ms. Midnight about what she's wearing." Kirishima said with an embarrassed blush.

"Yeah, that costume should come with a warning." Kaminari replied.

Heroes of Tomorrow (Spider-Man OC x Small Harem)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon