Issue #10: The Games Begin

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Okay, let's do this one last time, yeah? This is it.

It all began in Keikei City in China, when an extraordinary child was born who could radiate light. And after that, reports of people with superpowers popped up across the globe. No one knew what was causing those Quirks. The world became a superhuman society, with about 80 percent of the population possessing some uncanny ability. Our streets were like comic books coming to life. As cities swirled with chaos and confusion, a new profession dominated our collective consciousness.

It was an age of Heroes.

My name is Wade Walker. I was born without superpowers until I was bitten by a radioactive spider from another dimension. And for 10 months, I think you know the story. I lost my dad. I was able to get into UA. Battle against my bully. Met some cool and beautiful girls. Made new friends. And saved my mentor twice, and everyone else from an organization of villains.

It's been a long road for me, but to be a Pro is all I ever really wanted to be. But after a while, I've started to give up on that dream. But I knew all I wanted was to be a Hero. And thanks to the people who guided me and supported me, I am here now. On my way. Living by my father's words. That with great power comes great responsibility.

My dream's becoming a reality. And though I've had setbacks, I keep pushing forward. My journey's just beginning.

This is the story of how I become this universe's Spider-Man!

Of how I become the world's greatest hero!

Wade was looking at a comic book with wide eyes before looking up. "This is amazing, Mr. Lee!" He said with a big smile. The young man was currently in a comic book shop talking to one of his favorite people in the world. The man, the myth, the...local comic book shop owner himself. His name was Stan Lee. He was a kind old man that loved telling stories and comic books. So, he started to create one that he hopes would be a success.

"Thanks, Wade. All I have to do is put the last page." Stan said, before pulling out a piece of paper from behind the corner he was standing behind. He placed it on the corner and placed his hand on it. Using his Quirk called Illustrate, the final panel, images, and lines of the comic appeared on the paper.

With bandaged hands and arms, Wade placed the pages on top of the final page. "Well, I hope this one will be a success." He said with a smile. Stan nodded before taking his comic and placing it under the counter.

"Hey, everyone!" Yelled one of the residential people that looked like your stereotypical nerd. He pointed up at the TV. "Look at this!" Immediately, all the geeks that were shopping in the store turned to look at what the guy was talking about. Wade and Stan turned their heads and saw the news was on. The shop owner turned up the volume.

"Up next: an update on yesterday's incident at the U.A. rescue training center where Hero course students were attacked by a gang of villains." The news reporter said on TV. "According to new police officials, the criminal forces called themselves 'The League of Villains'. Investigators have reportedly uncovered that this group has been plotting to kill U.A. teacher and popular Hero All Might since the spring of this year. Police arrested 72 villains at the scene, but the League's leader escaped. His whereabouts are unknown."

Wade's eyes had a grimness in them after hearing that last part. Stan then turned to the young man and said. "I'm surprised that they would pull a stunt like that. Thank goodness you and the others got out okay."

Heroes of Tomorrow (Spider-Man OC x Small Harem)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora