17- Concequences

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One hour later

I'm just sitting in the corner of my room . Alice is sad because she broke up with Hawk after the Mall incident

I have and icepack over my nose because of that LaRusso girl

Suddenly someone ring on our bell . Mom isn't home and Alice is sad , so it's up to me to open the door

I open the door and before I could react somebody slap across my face . I see it's Moon who did that

Y/N: What the fuck was that for ?!

Moon: You're asking ?! You wanted to beat up Demetri and you're asking ?!

Y/N: So he told you

Moon: Sam did

Y/N: Look , I'm not really in the mood for that talk

Moon: Yeah , and you think I'm happy about it ?!

She look at me and I see she's starting to tear up

Moon: You've changed Y/N . You said you hate bullies , but now you're one of them . I can't do this anymore . When I met you , I fell in love . But this ends today and now

Y/N: What are you saying ?!

Moon: I'm breaking up with you ! Don't you get it ?! When I met you, you were the sweetest guy I've ever seen, but now, you're just like Kyler

She then leaves and I go to my room and lay on my bed

Y/N: Fuck !

I see Hawk is calling me , but I'm just not in the mood to talk right now, so I just declined the call


Timeskip/Next training

I'm just at the training and Miguel sparing with Hawk. Miguel manage to hit Hawk

Sensei L: Nice work, Diaz. Bow, go again

As they were about to start another round, somebody's opened door to the dojo and we see it's Mr.Larusso

Sensei L: What the hell do you think you're doing ?

Larusso: Like you don't know

Sensei L: Take your shoes off the mat. You're discrespecting my dojo

Larusso: You're seriously gonna talk to me about disrespecting dojos after what you just did to mine ?!

Sensei L: What are you talking about ? I didn't do anything to your dojo

I look at Hawk and see he's clearly knows what's all this about

Larusso: Just like you didn't slug one of my employees, huh ?

Sensei said nothing, so he's not declining it

Larusso: You know, part of me actually felt bad for you at one point, but you make it so easy to remember who the bad guy is in all of this. You call yourself a sensei ? You don't even know what a Sensei is. A sensei mentors, A sensei elevates. He doesn't teach destruction and disrespect !

At this point I had enough

Y/N: But we didn't do anything to your dojo ! And if there's someone who have something to do with it, it's not Sensei's Lawrence fault

Sensei L: Let it be, Y/N. He clearly doesn't know what he's talking about

Lawrence looked back at the Mr.LaRusso

Sensei L: I already told you I don't know what you're talking about, LaRusso and you don't know what you're talking about either

LaRusso: Yeah, well, I know you don't...You don't earn medal of honor by stealing it

Now it is something different. I look at Hawk and saw it in his eyes. I guess that's why he called me

Even sensei Lawrence seems shocked by this

LaRusso: Let me tell you something about your sensei. He might teach you how to fight. But he doesn't know a thing about what it takes to truly win at life. If you want to help yourselfs before it's too late, the doors of Miyagi-Do are wide open

Sensei L: You think you can come in here and poach my students ?

LaRusso: And what are you gonna do about it ?

Sensei seems to think about it

LaRusso: You know I'm not gonna strike first

In that moment, I wanted to take Mr.LaRusso down, but I remembered last thing that my father teached me

Wade: Sometimes you have to know when to start a fight, because not every fight is winned by strenght

Sensei L: I'm gonna be the bigger man

I nod, because I was afraid that the two of them  are gonna start fighting

LaRusso: Yeah, we'll se about that

As LaRusso left the dojo, few Cobra Kai members start leaving as well. Including Chris


I'm just on my way back home, I didn't go by the car, I decided it's best just walk

As I'm ignoring the whole word, I accidently bump into somebody

Y/N: I'm sorry, I...

I cut myself when I saw who I accidently bumped to

Y/N: Oh my god, Moon, are you okay ?!

Moon: Yeah, I'm good Y/N

Y/N: Look, I...

Moon: No Y/N, I don't want to hear it. It's over, okay ? Bye

She didn't even let me finish my sentence and left

Y/N: Okay, bye

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