Chapter 37: The Unsuspecting

Start from the beginning

The boy caught the ball with his left hand, "this... is from the physical strength exam, your records indicate you recorded a toss of 705.2 meters the time... of your admittance...let's see how much you've improved." Aizawa says, Bakugo made a big smirk on his face as he got ready to throw the ball as everyone cheered him on. Then when Bakugo was ready, he throws the ball with his quirk to which Shira covers her ears with the palm of her hands when a peeping sound can be heard, which he shows that says 709.6 meters which surprised everyone there was not much improvement as they had expected, when Aizawa started to speak, " "in three months, you have all gained a lot of experience. and of course, you have certainly grown but that growth has been primarily emotional and technical. Now the time has come to concentrate on physical advancement as well. As you can see, your 'quirks' themselves have only improved, at best, by a marginal, starting today, we will focus on upgrading your quirks. I will be pushing you beyond your try not to die on me..."

After a while, everyone was split up into their own type of training, which was made to have everyone train and improve their quirks, class B joined in as the WWPC helped with their training. Not too far was Shira who was training to widen her control area, and to control that area using her mind instead of her vocal voice by lifting diverse types of items and weights as well.

It was now 4 pm, and it was getting dark. It was time for dinner, every one of the students was gathered up.

"Now, I told you yesterday, 'today's the last day we help you out'!!"

"If you want to eat, get off you assess and make it yourself!! Curry!!"

The two members of WWP say to the students, the students let out of exhausted sigh as they agreed. "Haha ha-ha, everybody's looking pretty raw!! That does not give you an excuse to do a sloppy job, though!"

"You're right... in the case of an emergency, feeding the hungry and providing sustenance to mind and body is an essential part of... providing aid... these pros are correct!! Let us make the world's best curry!!" Iida says to which Aizawa thought 'Iida, you have some redeeming qualities...'

Shira did not want to do anything, so she went to the indoor kitchen after getting the ingredients she needed and started cooking her own food. Aizawa walks into the kitchen and leans on the counter. Shira felt his presence and glanced at him, but she just continued cooking. So, Aizawa sighed and decided to speak first, he sighed and said, "Shira, why are you here and not with the others outside?" he asked her, she let out a sigh after stringing the curry, she lowered the flame and faced him.

"They're a bit too loud for me and it's too crowded," she said while she was looking at him with lonely looks eyes, Aizawa felt a bit sad for the young girl. Aizawa walks to her and gave her a soft pat on her head, that was when he noticed that she was holding something on her chest, it looked like a necklace and that she was wearing a chocker, Shira notice this, "This chocker has another a half after I have yang" she says as she took it off and showed it to him, there it was Yang, the white of the Chinese Philosophical, "the other half is with my best of a friend, she has yin, she and has been closed since we first meet even though we don't really know how we even meet each other but we didn't really care cause we could always relay on each other no matter what," she explained to him, her eyes were soft and warm as memories comes to her but then they became sad and she almost looks like she was about to cry, and Aizawa couldn't help but to hug her, tight as she hugs back and he can hear soft whimpers, and he started stroking her hair to calm her down.

After a while, she finished making the curry, and she and Aizawa, Vlad, and the WWP ate it. After a while, everyone finishes eating and Shira has gotten everyone's plate, she went to the sink and started washing them all up and cleaned everything. Shira dried her hands, after drying her hand she went on her phone, put in her earphones, and started playing music as she walked out. She was so into her music that she did not know where she was going until she saw two figures ahead, she got closer, it was Midoriya and Kota.

Her music stops and she can then hear what the two were talking about. "I'm fine, I don't need any, what part of 'I'm not fucking around with you scrubs' did you not understand?" Kota gave Midoriya a glare, "This is my secret base. You're not welcome here."

"Your secret base, huh...?" Midoriya says in a confuse tone of voice,

"Getting all hyped up about stretching your 'quirk, 'It's pathetic really. you really want to go that far just to brag about your corny ass 'powers'?" Kota started explaining to him, Shira leaned on the wall as she listened to everything. After a while, the two finished talking, Midoriya left, and Kota was left alone.

Shira walked up to Kota, "Hey there Kota," hearing her voice, he turned towards her. She gave him a smile and a small wave of the hand as she went closer to him. "Kota you do not really need to listen to what he has said he did not mean anything he said in a bad way," she started, Kota turned and listened to her closely. "Hey, I see that you are practicing your water quirk," she says as she pointed at the wall that has a punched dent. Kota had an embarrassed look as he turned his face away, and she gave a little giggle. "It is quite strong, and it will be stronger the more that you practice as you have already done," she says with another smile as they continue talking to each other, not knowing what an unfortunate event that is about to happen soon.

On top of the mountain are several shadow figures, a chilling breeze that blows at the night, "It throbs...pulses... let's hurry up and go...!" A figure in a dark cloak says in a sinister tone.

"It's not yet time, also...didn't I tell you... we don't have to overdo it?" Another who is wearing a gas mask to the other in the cloak,

Another with dark black hair starts to speak in a cold tone, "Yeah, quit tryna' act like the boss."

"we're only sending up a warning flare this time." As another says, everyone looks down on the unsuspecting U.A. members who are enjoying the training camp. 

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