"Excuse me..." I was cut off by a small voice that I knew belonged to Kenzie. I turned to the stairs to see her tiny body standing there. "You otay?"
"Yeah baby I was just needed to talk to my daddy and ask him some questions about you."
"Why me?"
"Cause you're mine and I don't know how to raise you properly. I thought I knew how but I don't. I thought I could be your daddy right away, but now I know that it will take some time cause I've never done this before." I was crying again.
"You daddy. You need a hug." She came waddling over to me climbed onto my lap, wrapped her little arms around me and hugged me as tightly as should could. She only let go when I stopped crying. She then took her little thumb and wiped away the last two remaining tears. She then smiled at me and said,
"Thank-you, you mine and I yous. You keep me forever?"
"Yes Bear. You're mine and I'll be yours and I'll keep you forever."
"Yes Kinley too. You're both mine and I will never let you go."
"See Riker you're learning and seeing that I know you'll be able to be the best for them." I looked to see who that came from. I turned and saw it was Michelle. She came to surprise me with a checkup. "Oh hey! Yeah I'm just bonding. It's nice to see you! How are you?" "I'm good thank-you." "So not to be rude, but what are you doing here?" "It's fine I get it. Well I just thought that I'd get my first visitation over with and try to get you full custody sooner." "My mom called you didn't she?" "Yup she did. She tried to make an arrangement with me and well let's just say it worked. You get full custody in the middle of June." "Are you serious?! That's amazing! I can't believe it!" "Why you so happy?" "Cause soon you'll be mine Bear and you can do everything with me! You can go on tour with me too!" She smiled at me, excited. "Well Riker you seem to be handling things well here and so my visitation is done. I'll let you get back to your evening." "Thank-you Michelle. See you next time!" She then left as my father showed her to the door. I then stood up and took Kenzie upstairs to wake up Kinley and get her bathing suit on, since we were going swimming tonight with everyone. As I walked into the girl's bedroom I heard little sobs and looked to see Kinley curled up in a ball crying to herself. "Lady Bird what's wrong?" "I scared and thought you and Kenzie left me." "No baby we didn't leave you. We were just down stairs talking to my daddy, but I'm here now and we're going to go swimming. So let's get dressed. But first would you like a hug?" She nodded and walked over to me and I engulfed her in the biggest hug I could give her without killing her. I then tickled her ribs and she giggled. I then picked her up and walked over to where Kenzie was in their closet and we chose their bathing suits and got them dressed. After we walked back downstairs, I noticed my family had all come home. Immediately Kinley and Kenzie got nervous and hid behind me. I walked into the living room where everyone was and sat on the couch beside Ross. Kinley and Kenzie both competed for a spot on my lap to sit until I picked them up and sat them both on it where they cuddled up into my chest.

I just sat there listening to the various conversations happening around the room sometimes having my own until Cheryl walked in and ask me questions on the twins and she noticed that they were sitting on my lap and got even more excited. "Cheryl this is Kinley (I pushed her up a little bit so she knew which one she was. This also made her giggle.) and this is Kenzie (I shrugged her up too making her and Cheryl giggle out of cuteness)." "Awe Riker they're adorable! I look forward to getting to know them." I said thank-you then she said hello to everyone else before going and helping my mom in the kitchen. We then continued talking one another until it was supper time as the twins played with their toys.

Just before my mom announced that it was supper time the door bell rang. Ryland got up to get it and it was the Hudson family. We all ate then went outside to swim and relax. Once we were done in the pool my dad set up our outside movie equipment and we all chose a spot to sit. We had chosen to watch the movie Paddington. Before we were able to finish it, it started raining which was when I also decided to put my girls to bed. I took them upstairs and got them into a bath and after their pajamas and in their bed. I kissed their heads and went to the door but before I left I said "Goodnight Bear, Daddy loves you. Goodnight Lady Bird, Daddy loves you." and I left leaving their door slightly open. I hung out with everyone else for awhile longer and then said goodnight to everyone.

Awhile after I had gone into my room I heard small sobs coming from the twins room so I went to go check out who was crying. It was Kinley.
"KinleyBird, why you crying?"
"I no find you." she cried.
"Oh were you scared that I left you?"
"Mmhm" she answered.
"Don't worry Bird. I'm still here I'm just sleeping in my room across the hall, okay?"
"Now go back to sleep and come there if you need me. Goodnight Bird."
"Night night" and with that I left their room again and went into mine hoping I could sleep without any more interruptions.

About an hour later I heard more cries coming from the twins room. Like last time I went over to see what was going on. This time it was Kenzie.
"Hey KenzieBear I'm right here." I soothed here while rubbing her back. "Why you crying?"
"There was loud noise."
"What loud noise?" But before she could answer I heard it myself. "Oh baby don't worry that's just either Uncle Rocky or Uncle Ross playing their guitar. It's not scary. Now you listen to that and fall back asleep so I can go tell them to stop, okay?"
"Ok. Goodnight"
"Goodnight Bear"
So for the third time tonight I walked out of my daughters room hoping it'd be the last and to tell my idiot brothers to stop playing guitar at one in the morning while my daughters were trying to sleep.
After that was done I went back into my room to finally go to sleep for the night.

3:30 a.m.

I woke up with a pain in my rib and my left leg fully asleep. I cleared the sleep out of my eyes once I was fully able to open my eyes. I looked to see Kinley's foot in my side and Kenzie, my Bear, sleeping on my leg. That explains why my ribs hurt and my leg is asleep. I then decided to move out of this uncomfortable position and moved the girls so they were laying beside me. Kinley on my right and Kenzie on my left. I then realized why my girls were in my bed. There was a thunder storm going on. So they probably got scared and came into my room to feel like they were being protected. I listened to the sound of rain coming down on my roof a peaceful noise that is rarely heard in California. Before I knew it I was being lulled back to sleep with my girls in my arms.

Well hello everyone!! Thank you for reading my book I greatly appreciate you reading it it means the world to me! I hope you are enjoying reading this book as I am writing it!

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Love you all!

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