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Lifting my hand to open the door to my apartment, revealing my parents on the couch watching the news on the TV. The news reporter pointing at the accident, showing a car and a truck, smoke almost covering the whole street, police cars, an ambulance, and many people can be seen.

"As of right now, all we know is that the man who driven the truck was intoxicated and was smoking toxic drugs" the news reporter explained as a closed the door. 'Damn stupid alcoholics. How stupid can they be to drive while drinking' I thought, putting my bag down on the kitchen island taking my phone out to see 5 missed calls, 10 missed messages, 3 voice mails. All from Ivan.

"Some information has been updated. An id from the man in the car was found, his name is Ivan Gonsales-" was all I heard, then I turned my head so fast I think I heard a crack. 'What...' my thoughts were clouded with worry and concern. "Ivan.." I whispered under my breath, my parents looked back at me knowing about our relationship. "Amy.. I'm so sorry.." my mom looking at me with slightly furrowed brows, while my dad just looked at me with a sorry look on his face.

Without a second thought I went into my room, shutting the door, putting my back against it my hand on my mouth, trying to subside the noise. Tears trying to leave my eyes, my thoughts won't stop thinking about how his family is going to deal with this. How IM gonna deal with this, this cant be happening... why is this happening.

As I try to stop crying, my tears just won't stop. They keep falling down. I pick up my phone and unlocked it, looking through my messages.


sent at 9:39pm

Amy, please respond this is important.
sent at 9:41pm

Amy, please I'm sorry.
I know, I'm wrong can you please answer my calls?
sent at 9:46pm

Love, please I'm worried...
sent at 9:50pm

I know I should give you some time.
I just want to see you, I cant bear the image of you crying...
sent at 9:53pm

I'm gonna go on a drive ok?
I just want to let you know so you don't have to worry about me:)
sent at 9:57pm

Love you<3
sent at 9:59pm

"I... fuck" I whispered under my breath, this was all my fault, why did we have to fight? I shouldn't have left my phone on silent... The tears blur my vision as I bring my hand to my face to rub the tears off my face.

I cant bring myself to listen to the voice mails, its hard enough to read the damn messages. But what if he said something important? just like the texts he sent me..

'Shit' I thought, hovering my finger over the first voice mail.

voice mail #1:
"Amy... I'm so sorry I shouldn't have said that."

...there was noise in the background, a car engine? was this before he left his house?

My hands were shaking so much, I cant hold my phone properly. This hurts, so fucking bad.

voice mail #2:
"Love, please reply to my messages, I cant bear to lose you... I love you, I'm coming over to yours, so we can talk about this ok?.."

voice mail #3:
"Love, please answer now, I'm starting to freak out, you haven't replied in a while."



I bring my hands up to my head, causing my phone to drop on the floor. I take a deep breath in and let it out, trying to calm myself down 'How can I be so stupid, holy shit' my thoughts keep repeating.

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