chapter 7

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Aubri POV.

I looked at my wrists, scanning each cut. lightly running my finger over them. I never noticed I was cutting again until Niall ran into my bedroom this morning. Louis had hurt me last night. Emotionally and physically.

{flash back to last night}

"thank you for the night" I said as Niall was walking me back up to my front door. "I had a great time."

"me too." he smiled before we said our goodbyes and a quick hug.

I walked into my home and switched the light on before seeing an unhappy Louis on my couch.

"what are you doing here louis?" I asked starting towards the stairs, ignoring his presence.

"Aubri, you cant date Niall." Louis spoke before grabbed my shoulder and pulling me back.

"why Louis. you have been saying this for so long!" I stared raising my voice before he sighed.

"sit." he demanded before I shook my head.

"no." I crossed my arms over my chest. "just tell me."

"Niall doesn't have a good boy past." he started. "aubri, his last girlfriend. He killed her."

"I don't believe you." I spoke before he gave me an 'are you kidding me' look.

"Aubri listen to me." he said getting angry again. "he killed your sister."

"He would never kill Ashley. Ashley never even had a boyfriend."

"Ashley had many boyfriends." he spoke looking at me straight in the eyee.

"stop louis, in done with ur bullshit.get out." I said turning around and going up the stairs a little more.

"you should believe me." he yelled, but I kept walking. ignoring him. "come back here." he yelled getting closer to me, before I noticed I was on the ground. My eyes was throbbing and lip was bleeding. I turned to see Louis look at me and run away, slamming the door.

[end of flash back]

I was siting in my room, starring at my wrists before Niall walked in with an ice pack and bandages. "put this on your eye." he said handing me the ice pack. "and let me wrap your wrists."He said taking wrist my wrist and wrapping it with white bandage and tapping it down, seeing little blood seep through the bandage.

"I'm sorry." he spoke taping my second wrist off.

"why are you sorry?" I asked as he looked up at me.

"that he did this too you. I should have walked you up to the door and stuff but I didnt." he said before he got up from his spot and set the tape a sissors down.

"it's alright." I said getting comfy in my bed before I felt a hand touch the tip of my temple.

"get some rest." he said before he moved a price of hair back behind my ear


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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