chapter six

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Aubri POV

As soon as I closed the door to Louis house a tear fell down my cheek. Louis and I were best friends. What happened? That Leah girl doesn't seem so great. I checked my phone to see a message from Lou. Well now Louis.

from: bff😈💘
Stay away from me and Leah.

Why is his name still that. and why does he want me to stay away from them. this doesn't sound like louis. I think Leah is giving a bad vibe to louis.
I need to get them away from each other but how.


It was time for another school day. I was walking up, when someone called me behind. I turned to see Leah. Great.

"hey leah." I said walking to her. I had to be nice.

"hey aubri, u wanna walk with me and lou." she asked pointing back, seeing Lou walking towards her in a new outfit. He had on a diamond brand shirt, which might I say he hated that brand. he had black skinny jeans, he never liked black jeans, he likes Jean khakis. but a pear of white high top converse. He always liked vans. Why was he wearing this?

"um, I'd rather not. its okay." I said turning to walk away but she grabbed my wrist.

"lou." she said pulling me by the wrist. "aubri is gonna walk with us to first period." she said while I looked down not looking up at louis, since he pretty much hated me. He smiled at me weakly when I moved a piece of hair from my face. "right aubri?" Leah said as I looked bad up. I mumbled a yes before we started walking. why was Leah doing this to me. she stole away louis. why would she try and get us to be friends again. their is something up with her.


I made it home after a horrible day of school .Leah kept trying to get me to talk to louis, ALL DAY. I can't talk to her anymore. I want upstairs and changed into some spandex shorts and a pink cropped tshirt. i went back downstairs and started watching tv. I guess this is what everyday after school is gonna be now. right then I started getting a call from Niall.

"hello?" I said picking it up.

"hi aubri, um I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go out to dinner with me tonight" he asked nervously

"like a date?" I smiled to myself I Haven't been on a date since I've been friends with Louis because he didn't want me dating anyone.

"yeah" he said short.

"yes." I said smiling before I heard a big breath come thru the phone.

"be their at 6, dress fancy." he said before hanging up.

I get to go on a date, I need to tell some one. I Picked up my phone and started calling Louis I mean he's my bestfriend. wait. I stopped and hung up. we weren't best friends anymore. I had no one to call, to tell my excitement too. I looked at my phone again seeing a message from Louis but I ignored it, noticing at the same time it's was 5. I ran up the stairs and ran into my closet. What was I gonna wear? I grabbed four dresses and ran to violets room.

"Violet I have a date in an hour. and I need your help with a dress." I said out of breath running around this house.

"show me the first one." she said taking out one of her ear buds and showing them to her boyfriend. She was in a FaceTime call with him like always.

"okay so this is the first one?" I said holding up a long red dress, it was strapless and was tight around the waist. it had a rhinestone top that I wore last year at prom.

"ehh, it's more dance type not date. next." I heard a male voice come through a speaker. I set the dress down and picked up the second one.

"this." I said holding it up to my body. It was a baby pink dress that stopped right above my knees. it was tight around the waist also. The top half was sequins instead, having no straps.

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