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After meeting Shuri in my village, we got along so well that we ended up hanging out the rest of the day. I showed her around my village more in depth but we mainly hung out in the main cities of Wakanda. "Hey are you hungry?" Asked Shuri, turning to look at me. I looked up at her and smiled. "Yeah, I actually am. We've been walking around forever." I exaggerated. Shuri chucked and nodded her head in the direction she wanted me to follow her.

It was already evening and the sun was about to set. We had been exploring the markets and supporting local businesses all day. For Shuri, it was really the first time she felt like a "normal" person. No guards were hovering over her and she didn't receive any special treatment... well not entirely. As we spent the day together I learned that Shuri was extremely intelligent, caring, and thoughtful. She deeply cared for her family, friends, and the people of Wakanda. I admired her a lot for that.

"And we're here!" Her voice interrupted my thoughts. We were standing in front of a small restaurant that only had a few people dining in at the moment. "Ah, I've never been here before." I responded looking at the sign and following her through the door. "You're going to love it! This is one of my favorite spots." Shuri exclaimed in excitement. I smiled at her enthusiasm. "Queen Shuri, it's nice to see you back here." Spoke the lady behind the counter. "I was craving your food so bad and Y/N here," she turned around looking at me, "has never tried any." Shuri informed her.

The lady's eyes widened as she pretended to be offended. "What?! Well it's good that you're here now. I will put you on the best food in Wakanda." She insisted and walked away into the back kitchen. Shuri laughed and pulled out a chair for me at a table. I thanked her and watched as she sat across from me. "Trust me, she's right. This is the best in Wakanda." She leaned in, whispering the last part. I giggled at her antics. "I sure hope so." I teased her.

Our table was seated near a wide window where you could see the sun setting. "It's beautiful." Shuri stated, focused on the view. I hummed in agreement also in a trance. The sunset was giving off a bright light orange, pink, and a touch of purple in the sky. As I turned my head back, my eyes immediately locked with Shuri who was already staring back at me. She smiled warmly not breaking eye contact. "What're you looking at weirdo?" I joked. She let out a soft laugh, "Nothing. I can't just look at you." She stated.

The lady soon came back with several plates, bowls, and trays of food. Damn is this a buffet or something? I stared in awe at all the food. "Let's dig in!" Shuri exclaimed and rubbed her hands together. I started to eat the food and was lost for words. Shuri and the lady were right, this food was bomb. We feasted, laughed, and enjoyed each other's presence for about an hour before getting full. "Ah, I can't eat anymore." I groaned. "Me either." Shuri nodded her head and got up. She walked over the counter, thanked the lady, and began to pay for our meal. I felt bad because this was so much food so I knew I had to at least pay for half.

I walked up beside Shuri and pulled out my wallet. She looked down at me and shook her head. "It's okay, don't worry. Dinners on me." She insisted, pushing my hand lightly to make me put my wallet away. "Yeah but that was a lot of food. I just wanna chip in." I pleaded. I leaned in closer to her so she could really see my expression. She smiled looking down at me, put her hand on my back, and started to guide the both of us out. She yelled bye to the lady as we went outside and I was confused. I guess I was too late and the entire time I was insisting on paying, Shuri already finished.

"Next time I'm paying." I poked her in the chest making her laugh. "Alright, alright. We'll see about that." She continued to laugh. The sun was completely down now and the sky was dark. Light posts and lanterns filled the streets of Wakanda throughout. We stared at the vibrant colors in silence for a bit and continued walking. "Are you tired? Do you want to go home now?" Shuri questioned me. "Nope I'm wide awake." I responded. "Are you sure because I don't want to keep you out and about if you're done for today?" I could see the concern in her eyes and it made me smile. "Yes, I'm fine Shuri. Why? You're sick of me already?" I teased her.

She put her hands up in defense. "No, no! Of course not. It's not like that." She spoke. I laughed and shoved her lightly, "I'm just kidding my Queen." Shuri squinted her eyes at me hearing the formal address. "So... what do you want to do now?" She strung out. I thought about it for a second and then remembered a spot I like to go to that I think she would love as well.

"I know a place."

Author's Note

Woooo 3rd chapter! Hope y'all are liking it :)

I Love You In Every Universe: Shuri x YouWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu