- When I saw You On Stage 2 -

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Holy shit.


I got pushed a lot in the crowd to the point where I got pushed to the center where it showed a nice view, well thanks a lot for that I guess

"Today we will be playing one of your favorites, One Day" and that, the music started playing that contained the drums, the guitar, and some trumpets too actually "And stop!" The crowd sang as well, "Cause why do you have to kill my cat?" "Why do I have to take you back? Time and time I play the empath" "I don't know why, put some lights on in an empty pub, the toilet with the seat left up, it's closure like a deer in headlights"

"One day, I know that you will be there" he suddenly looked at my direction, and had a little smile while singing "One day, I'll focus on the future maybe one day, oh baby isn't life so fucking inconsistent!" I felt like I'm in the limelight, my stomach was in butterflies, this is probably from the alcohol but I don't care, I'm feeling so much joy in the moment and I don't want to lose it.

"One day, I know that you will be there, one day, I'll focus on the future maybe one day, oh baby isn't life so fucking inconsistent..!" He winked at me, and I looked away at that, and you can hear him chuckle through the mic "She said 'let's talk about what I want to do!'" "Cause all I want to do, is turn back time" I look back at the stage, to still see him staring at me, and so I did too.

"Atleast a couple Tuesdays to before my life turned two', I said it last time...!" "But I'm not afraid of empty rooms, I'm not afraid of new perfumes" We were still staring at eachother's eyes, and I was lost in the moment this whole time, the way he sings, the way he looks at me is just mesmerizing "And in fact my dear, I'm fucking terrified" "One day, I know that you will be there, one day, I'll focus on the future maybe one day, oh baby isn't life so fucking inconsistent!" After those lyrics, you can hear the crowd scream "WOO" that made me laugh of how interactive the crowd is, and as the instrumental came in, me and Wilbur stared more into eachother, as he started singing, "Cause I know that," "One day I know that you will be there one day, I'll focus on the future maybe one day, oh baby isn't life so fucking, inconsistent!" He continues, "One day I know that you will be there, one day I'll focus on the future maybe one day, oh baby isn't life so fucking inconsistent?." He exhales through the mic, as the music stops "Thank you everyone!!" He shouts, as everyone cheered, and so they went on with more songs, and the whole time was pure heaven while staring into eachother's eyes, I felt utter euphoria in the moment that I forgot all the sadness I had just earlier.

~Timeskip to after the gig~

After the performance, I decided to check up on Wilbur, so I called the number on my phone, He didn't pick up, so I try again, and he didn't pick up once again, I was starting to worry that he might've tricked me, but after the 3rd attempt, he finally answered, "Hello? Oh Quackity!" He says through the phone, "I'm actually waiting for you here at the backstage, what do you say wanna meetup here?" He asks "Do I even have to answer that" I say, as I started walking to the backstage.

When I get there, I see Wilbur, on one of the couches, I go to him "Oh hello darling!" He says as he hugged me "You didn't tell me you were a musician!" I told him, he chuckles "Sorry, sorry, but it looked like you enjoyed it, so it's all worth it" he says while smiling, he looks into my eyes, the tension is heavy right now, and I know what is happening, he leans in, and so did I, our lips just a centimeter apart, I can feel his hot breathe and the smell of alcohol in it, and he pulled away "I just wanna make sure if you're straight or not, so this won't be akward" he says "We wouldn't reach to this point if I actually was straight" we both bursted into laughter, as we finally connected our lips, it felt much more astonishing than I imagined, he leaned in for more, and so did I, he bit my lip that caught me off guard and got me to gasp, that gave him the opportunity to slide in his tongue on my mouth, he explored every inch of my mouth, I let out a slight moan because of this that the kiss turned into a make out.

We made out for 5 minutes, that felt so nice, but we didn't stepped anywhere further, because we weren't ready yet, and now we're in his hotel, cuddling while watching a movie in the TV "You know how much I like you, Alex" Wilbur says, as he kissed my forehead "The feeling is mutual, Wilbur" I replied, looking at him "I'm scared that at the next day, I won't be seeing you anymore" I said truthfully, "I will be moving here actually, so that's some news for you darling" I sit up and looked at him in shock "Really?!" I said, "Yes, really" He says while smiling at me.

So I guess this is what I'm missing this whole time.

Word count: 956 words

Hey Ghostlings! I must say, I really enjoyed making this chapter and I really liked the concept of it, and I hope you did too! Leave a vote and a comment please, and thank you for all the support :]

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